"Time. Time. Time. Time. Time."

I'm making my way through the
Republican YouTube Debate.

This is depressing, and not just because Anderson Cooper has to say "time" 15 times per response before a candidate finally shuts up. How about cutting a candidate's mic 10 seconds after you say "time." Why hasn't CNN hired me yet?

I haven't been around all that long, but every debate I've ever seen is the same. Taxes and foreign policy make sense as themes with no end in sight, but how many years are we going to have to put up with hearing about gun laws, health care, Social Security and immigration? What would you think if we're still dealing with these same go-nowhere issues in 30 years?

I hate this YouTube format. CNN airs whatever questions it would've asked in the first place, but we have to watch some douche with his clever props asking the question. I don't need the visual of a guy eating corn to understand his question about the Farm Bill. I don't need a guy shooting his gun to understand his gun law question.

Here's a question: How many guns do you own? How is this relevant to policy decisions? Yes, if you own a gun, it's fairly obvious that you're against more gun control. But, if you don't own a gun, does that mean you're for more gun control? Do they ask pro-choice candidates how many abortions they or their significant other have had? "I just want to make sure they're committed," says Pro-Choice Sally.

I can't believe we're subjected to a year of this crap every four years.

By the way, just who does Chuck Norris think he is?

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