Two minutes on the DMV

Thursday, October 25, 2007

(2:06 podcast) A phone response from my post on the DMV.

If you ever see a topic you'd like to call on, just look to see if "I'm Online" is lit up on the right side of the home page, and we'll talk it out. If I'm not online, feel free to leave a voicemail. Either way, the number is 785.727.2291.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I went to the DMV to get my tags renewed today.

My Corolla was registered in Riley County, and I needed to change it to Johnson, so there wasn't much I could do to avoid a physical visit to the DMV.

People who go to the DMV have problems. Don't believe me? Then why is there a Value Store and a Beauty & Dollar Plus on either side? Throw in a liquor store two doors down, and you could spend an entire day/passed out night in the same parking lot.

I was out in 45 minutes, a world record.

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