The latest in "shocking" news

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Fat kids could stay fat and have bad hearts when they get old.

Luckily, ABC News has created a graphic for those literate enough to get to a news site, but not literate enough to read a story based on common sense.

Check out this brilliant quote from a pediatrics professor:

"Children who have been obese for much of their childhood will enter adulthood with chronic health problems that will only continue if their BMI remains high."

So, if they stay fat, the problems they got for being fat will stay with the fat? OMFG! I never saw it coming! How is this news?

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Charity eating

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving dinner is hours away, and I can only hope that I'm not too late in posting this warning.

At Thanksgiving, you will eat something you wouldn't otherwise ever eat. If it's a potluck occasion, you're doubly screwed. You see, there's always one frightening dish at every Thanksgiving dinner. And, you'll have to eat it.

It doesn't matter your position in the buffet line, either.

If you're at the front of the line, you'll think "Oh no, no one will eat that filthy gelatin-based specimen. I better take some so Aunt Sylvia's feelings won't get hurt." Then, at the end of the meal, you'll try to hide the completely uneaten dish under the discarded hard outer layer from the ham.

If you're at the end of the line, you'll encounter a completely untouched casserole. Obviously, you'll take some, as to again avoid an Aunt Sylvia meltdown.

After all this charity work, you'll then have to lie about how good it was, or about how you would love to eat more if you weren't so full.

Is there feces in that?

Usually, these charity dishes have one dense, mystery ingredient. You'll stare at it for while before reluctantly bringing it to your lips. Upon the food's entering your mouth, it's necessary to smack your lips together, smashing the nasty food repeatedly between your tongue and the roof of your mouth. This technique helps to guess the ingredient. During this process, you should shift your eyes from side to side to help identify anyone who might be catching on to your tactics.

After completing your ass-erole, it's time for dessert. There will be at least as many dessert items as people attending. You'll have to eat the one good dessert item, as well as one charity item, likely topped with coconut.

I have one final thought before I let you go for your Thanksgiving festivities. I truly think the can-shaped, pre-made cranberry sauce is superior to the homemade stuff. But, once again, dirty looks will make you eat the inferior, ground-up-intestine-looking homemade crap.

Bon Appétit! Whoops, that's French. I meant "Freedom Appétit!"

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Hardee's still exists

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Big news: Hardee's is still in business. Every couple of years, Hardee's introduces a filthy food item to generate some press coverage and remind the world (or the part of the world that isn't Carl's Jr.) that they still exist.

Hardee's on Monday rolled out its new Country Breakfast Burrito -- two egg omelets filled with bacon, sausage, diced ham, cheddar cheese, hash browns and sausage gravy, all wrapped inside a flour tortilla. The burrito contains 920 calories and 60 grams of fat.

The fat police are all over this one. If they catch you eating one, they'll show you pictures of Star Jones before and after gastric bypass. You get it? Because you'd get all fat like Star Jones, then get gastric bypass, and then look like the somehow-more-horrifying skinny version. Ha!

Star Jones

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The muscles under your fat ass

Monday, October 08, 2007

I love weight loss advertising.

Lose nine pounds every 11 days, and show off the meticulously sculpted muscles hiding beneath years of Double Stuf Oreos and Maury consumption.

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