CNN's Turd-O-Meter

Thursday, December 13, 2007

CNN grabbed a handful of undecided Iowa voters, gave them a rotary dial and threw them in a room during the Republican debate Wednesday.

If a candidate said something the voters liked, the voters would turn their knobs to the right, indicating a positive reaction. If a candidate said something the voters didn't like, the voters would turn their knobs to the left, indicating a negative reaction.

Then, CNN mashed the real-time responses with the video and fed it to us as news.

Check out the negative reaction to Alan Keyes.

Why did Keyes score so lowly? I've thought of three possible reasons.

a. He was being a dick (my personal selection)
b. Alan Keyes is running for president?
c. Who let the black guy in the Republican debate?

This is such trashy news coverage. What does a viewer gain from seeing how a tiny group of people react, moment by moment, to what a candidate says? I can see a politician putting together such a focus group, but not a major news operation. Report the facts. "You decide!" CNN has turned into such a shithole since Fox News started kicking its ass. Note: This is not an endorsement for Fox News.

Who wants to smoke a bowl and listen to NPR?

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Poll sucking

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's been too long since we've talked about a crappy poll. Here's a new one.

Kids aged 2-12 think Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are more deserving of coal in their stockings than the Grinch and Darth Vader.

So, little kids think Britney and Paris are naughtier than two of the most evil fictional bad guys of all time? That's harsh. But, while Darth Vader slaughtered younglings, Paris covered their sabers in sores. That's a pretty even trade.

Besides, didn't you always wonder why Darth Vader's face was all eaten up? Mustache rides gone terribly wrong.

"Use the VALTREX, Luke."

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Breaking news: Make a poll!

Friday, October 19, 2007

I hate online polls (see here and here).

News broke this morning about the Royals hiring a new manager. So, they had to throw up an online poll. Sadly, Americans are suckers for polls. In an hour and a half, 700 people jumped at the opportunity to cast their meaningless vote.

Screenshot. Clicking will get you nowhere.

This poll is missing an option: "Hope he doesn't pick his nose on camera. The Royals are going to be in HD next season."

I can no longer blame media outlets for putting up online polls. Polls drive traffic to websites. We need to focus our efforts on the people who click on these things, justifying their existence.

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