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My two favorite ladies

Extra special treats today.

First, we had a discussion about the "Love Assist," where someone you are with hits on someone on your behalf. Then, the High Lady calls in at the end of the segment and throws a huge wrench into the whole thing.

"Puff, puff, pass, Snoop."

Then, my favorite and dirtiest segment of the year. It's the old, possibly German woman. She's moaning for some reason. Listen closely for the dirty old man in the background at the end of the call.

"I've had multiple lovers."

Who do you think has slept with more people, Blanch or Mona? Or better yet which one has contracted and passed on more STDs?

I think Mama Winslow beats both of them...combined.

Blanche by a landslide. Mona is more of a flirt. Blanche is more of an "open for business 24/7 and everyone knows it" type of person. I couldn't even think of a comment clever enough to pay proper homage to her promiscuity.

That Winslow comment is uncalled for.

GIVE ME A BREAK!! Mama Winslow didn't sleep around. She just said "Hey Caul(Carl)" all the time . . . then she died.

The only slut on that show was the daughter Judy that misteriously disappeared. Here are some movies she was in following Family Matters:

More Black Dirty Debutantes 32 (2002)
Adventures of Peeping Tom No. 28 (2001)
Booty Talk 20: Super Fine Sistas! (2000)

Damn, I stopped buying the Peeping Tom series at #27. If I would have known Judy was in it I would have got one more.
I think Johnathan was a bigger whore with men than Mona.

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