Stooksoscope for Tuesday
True friendships are a gift, and right now your social life is simply an embarrassment of riches. Make sure you honor them in the ways they deserve: the sombrero birthday treatment at El Tapatio. Just make sure you have some Licex on standby.
A little indulgence is just the affirmation you need. It doesn't have to be over-the-top, either. Order what you want at a restaurant without looking at the price. Isn’t Long John Silver’s great?
Getting straight to the point has its place, but sometimes it makes circumstances a bit more dramatic than they have to be. There's a special kind of beauty to more receptive energy. Learn to apply it appropriately: directly to the forehead.
Strike a balance between paying attention to the facts and listening to your instincts in this matter. Although you feel strongly about this person, you have to look at their actions before you make up your mind. Find out for sure if Screech used a peen double, then you can make your decision.
Stooks Proverb: Faith moves mountains, but not Mangino.
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