Category: random nonsense

"What if?" Michael Vick Edition

What if Michael Vick had sponsored bumfighting instead of dogfighting? Do you think Dr. Phil would invite him on his show and then throw him off without interviewing him? Or do you think he would’ve milked his moustache the interview a bit longer?

American Gladiators return!

“The timing to bring the franchise back is perfect, and NBC is the ideal home.” – Gladiators producer douche. Look for it, minus Nitro, midseason. Maybe they could get him as an analyst. You can catch reruns on ESPN Classic. Here’s Nitro talking about the event the Gladiators hated the most. One hint: it’s not…

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Pit stains

Look at me. What a piece of filth. “Gross, it’s a Gorby stain!” “Yes, God gave me this, and he made me bald. WTF?” Now, you might ask, “Why don’t you throw away your filthy, pit-stainy shirts, Stooks?” They’re undershirts, that’s why. It’s their job to sit there, under my shirt, protecting it from pit…

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Fanny pack and a beard

I saw a guy at Target who had a beard and a fanny pack, a combination never witnessed before. Here’s where a bearded fanny pack falls in the echelon of likeliness to wear a fanny pack: 1. Overweight woman at a theme park2. Thin man with several kids at a theme park…167. Guy with a…

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Have we learned nothing from Demolition Man?

Why do I always think “Judge Dredd” before I realize I mean to be thinking “Demolition Man”? Even though Demolition Man showed how easy it was to defeat a retinal scan 14 years ago, companies keep developing the technology. Snipes was even frozen before the technology was around, and quickly figured out how to defeat…

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September 11th General Strike

If you haven’t heard yet, you’re not supposed to go to work, shop or go to school on September 11th, so that the government can know how uncool everyone thinks everything is right now. Plus, that means no one will buy gas, and we’ll all be able to get it for 99 cents a gallon…

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TV Guide goes big, small time

My grandpa is going to spend the next couple of weeks in assisted living. He’s used to the guide feature on his dish, so he needed the help only a TV Guide could offer. On the way to visit him yesterday, I went hunting for the surprisingly elusive Guide. The story ends in horror. First,…

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My, how the mighty have fallen

I had a great time with my dad and brothers at Tuesday night’s Royals game. The Royals ended up winning, and we had a great view. Wait a minute. Zoom in. Is that Family Ties’ Michael Gross serving Bud Light? In fact, this Michael Gross-a-like has been serving beer at Kauffman Stadium for as long…

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Freaks are underpaid

While perusing Careerbuilder today, I stumbled upon this interesting position. Ten bucks an hour? Do you realize how many hours of nakedness you’d have to pull off to make a living? Poor nudists. Always taken advantage of.

Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?

A blog post from Tangerine Toad mentioned the old “Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?” DOS failure message, and reminded me of this classic computer problem. From Wikipedia: The message would prompt the user to hit “A” to abort the operation, “R” to try reading the data again, or “F” to attempt to proceed without the necessary…

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