Happy Valentines's
"We think the Olympics are more important than Valentine's." - Googleneizer Scrooge
Searching for the phrase "Google is a Scrooge" produces zero results. So hopefully now that I just put that phrase up, they will index it so you can find this site in the future.
Now, back to Valentine's Day proper.
I don't have a Valentine this year.
But I got a Valentine's gift from the heavens last night.
"Hey, Snuffleupagus. Follow me over to the Den of Stooks, so I may defecate on his car."
Either the girl I dated for a month or some kind of feathery beast living in the trees in my parking lot ate too much Beef Pasta Hamburger Helper last night.
I am not joking. This amount of crap appeared on my car in just under 12 hours time.
I had to drink my Carnation Instant Breakfast while driving and staring at bird fecal that resembled dried up Carnation Instant Breakfast on the windshield. I almost hurled.
"I think we've found the Turdburglar."
Good God, Stooks! What the hell happened? Does the ex girlfriend raise crap-filled pigeons that attack on command? I've never seen anything like that in my life. I didn't know Tweety Bird and his degenerate friends were into Cleveland Steamers orgy-style.
Posted by DB | 4:30 PM, February 14, 2006
After a car wash and some rain, the dung still clings in some places.
Posted by Matt Stooks | 11:52 AM, February 16, 2006