Stooksoscope for Wednesday
Thanks to your leadership, old issues are illuminated and people are motivated to take positive action. Your abilities bring attention to a neglected area that's been swept under the rug for too long: cleaning behind your ears.
Finding the sweet spot between focus and energy is an art, and you can do it! It helps if you get used to some ping-ponging between the two concepts. Just hope one of the concepts isn’t Chinese, otherwise you’ll get schooled.
Flirting is essential. You can make eyes at your sweet patootie. Aren’t you glad you bought that life-sized cardboard Patrick Swayze standup?
One part of your life is totally on track, but another feels just a touch out of balance. That’s what happens when you lead a double life as a transgendered soap star.
Stooks Proverb: Look before you leap. If you’ve got Britney Spears’ drinking habits, you might want to hold off on the leaping part altogether.
Labels: stooksoscope