What year is this?

The FCC needs someone to fine:

The Federal Communications Commission on Friday said it plans to fine the Walt Disney Co’s ABC network $1.4 million for airing an episode of “NYPD Blue” in 2003 that showed a woman’s nude buttocks.

I hear there’s some amazing video of the scene here. For some reason, the audio doesn’t work, but I don’t think you’ll mind.

The funny thing is how many more eyes will see this five-year-old clip because of the FCC’s free publicity. The sad thing is how terrible TV has been since Janet Jackson’s boobie showed up at the Super Bowl.

The agency said it received “numerous complaints” about the scene, in which a young boy walks in on a nude woman about to take a shower.

So, what was the magic complaint number for the FCC to finally pull a fine out of its pants for this?

Luckily for ABC, Sipowicz naked ass lies safely in the “public interest” category, otherwise they’d have to pony up for those clips, too. Sorry, I couldn’t find any links to naked Sipowicz. You’d think it would be relatively easy to find some stock photos of a naked Sipowicz buttock. Not so.


“My face has a hardon for my ass. That’s how ugly I am.”

3 Replies to “What year is this?”

  1. I thank god for the fact you couldn’t find any Sipowicz ass shoots.

    I thank you for the booty clip.

  2. That is disgusting and vial and I can’t believe they would put that on TV.
    As for my bookmarks — that’s a different story.

  3. Sipowicz had an ass shot in the Meg Ryan movie City of Angels, and I could have went the rest of my life without seeing it!

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