Stooksoscope for Thursday

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Your spirits need a boost. It’s time to take yourself out. You can go solo or not, but it’s important to get out there and have a fantastic time. Beware of yelling “weeeee!” while riding the Farris wheel alone.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Things can get heated on the work front. You know it’s time for your star to shine, but someone else may not be in total accordance. Install a trip wire in their office.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Doing the right thing is a constant theme in your life. It’s time to let your personal star shine brightly, and take out anyone who stands in your way, even if it’s Paul Reiser.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Your audience just loves it when you keep them guessing. Heck, you’re starting to get pretty fond of it yourself. When you have no expectations, oftentimes you end up surprising yourself with the results. But do you really need to use monkey feces for your abstract art?

Stooks Proverb: To err is human. To suck blood out of people’s necks is vampire.


If you can turn it into a powder, Miss USA has probably had it up her nose. That’s what she’s supposed to tell Matt Lauer on Thursday’s Today.

Star Magazine says Federline turned down a $25 million divorce settlement from Britney. That doesn’t even cover the damages his image has suffered from wrecking her vag.

Courtney Love will not be replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol. They would likely go with someone LESS chemically challenged if they replaced Paula.

“Sing any Nirvana song, and you write a check to me.”

Isaiah Washington is out of homophobe rehab and back on the Grey’s Anatomy set. has sources who say Sienna Miller and Diddy didn’t do the diddy.

Seeking privacy, Brad Pitt had conversations with every photographer stationed outside his mansion. Didn’t take.

Anna Kournikova is the spokesperson for the “Got breakfast?” campaign, an initiative from the Federal School Breakfast program. I would think her a better fit for the “Got Milk?” ads.

Show Clips

Steve Schnell’s “Bundle up for the Cold” Report (1:45)

Jeri Anne: Belly Dancer (2:58)

We have some lazy ass smokers in our building who, instead of taking their keys, use a board to prop open our back door for re-entry after they smoke and fill our building with cold-ass, smokey-as-hell, air. We hid the board, and mass confusion ensued. We decided to share some good prank stories.

Pranks 1 (7:46)

Pranks 2 (3:00)

Pranks 3 (3:00)

Pranks 4 (1:09)

Stooksoscope for Wednesday

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Like the song goes, you can’t always get what you want. But if you really examine your reasons for wanting it, you’ll end up pretty grateful that you didn’t get it in the first place. It’s unlikely that a $500 Super Mario outfit will land you a new lover.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Take a step back. Getting some breathing room will help if things have been too intense lately. It’s time to transform negativity into something with a higher and more creative purpose: starting the “Justin Guarini Shivers Me Timbers” fan club.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

A few old resentments are lingering in your life. It’s time to deal with them before they make a point of dealing with you. Keep in mind that these feelings might go deeper than you initially realized, but keep at it. Someday you’ll get over the tragic “Port-A-Potty Tip of 2001.”

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

A momentary feeling may run deeper than you suspected. It’s important not to overreact. Everyone dreams of Hasselhoff’s chest sometime. Yours just had more sweat beads than the usual.

Stooks Proverb: All road’s lead to Rome, unless Brandy’s driving.


Isaac Cohen, a Britney Spears chaser, bought seven pairs of panties. Maybe he’s just using Britney so he doesn’t have to see her giner in the papers anymore.

“Brit, move your hands, hon. We can’t get a shot.”

You can watch Kevin Federline’s Super Bowl ad here. Pretty good. Now he can go away.

OMG! You can almost kinda see the start of Paris Hilton’s ass crack in this picture!

“I think Nicole Richie’s stuck between the cheeks!”

Ex-Miss Nevada is now current Miss Jet Las Vegas 2007 for Jet nightclub and partied until at least 4 am. Hooray. Now if she’d just take her top off and makeout with Celine Dion.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban had sushi together Monday night, meaning everything’s cool.

Andy Dick tried to get in Kiefer Sutherland’s limo the other night. Denied. Kiefer doesn’t have a coke problem just yet, otherwise Andy might have succeeded.

Here’s why I don’t let myself be photographed naked next to a horse:

“That horse puts you to shame, Harry.”

Show Clips

One of our listeners exposes my shortfalls by asking how I would design a roller coaster (3:37).

A subpar Stoner bit about Barbaro disease (3:34).

Here’s a link to a story about a Wichita death row inmate placing a personal ad.

Jeri Anne had some related stories from her days working at the jail (6:31).

A caller told us about the security of dating an inmate (2:37).

In fact, there are several site that cater to dating inmates. Here’s a link to Gloria’s dating profile, and her photo’s below. Not very inmate-ish.

“Thank God they opened a Glamor Shots next to the mass-bathing room!”

Stooksoscope for Tuesday

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Be very clear about what you both expect if you’re about to lend a friend something you value. In fact, maybe you should just go ahead and give them that tampon outright.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

It takes a lot of courage and heart to work through an issue, especially when the roots of it go stubbornly deep. Keep at it, however. Afterward, you’ll see that your character is stronger than it ever was. Your bladder control remains weak, though. You’ve got the stain to prove it.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

It’s time to focus on the here and now — this is where the rewards are. ‘If only’ are two of the most energy-sapping words in any language. If only you weren’t too dumb to realize it.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Focus on love and beauty in your personal relationships. Focusing on it in the mirror will simply take too much time, unless Fox brings “The Swan” back.

Stooks Proverb: All’s well that ends well, unless it starts with Kevin Federline, expired condoms and a tub of Crisco.


Britney Spears has been trying to get a hold of Justin Timberlake, but he’s not answering her calls. No reunion? Might have something to do with her crotch looking like it gave birth to a watermelon.

Or maybe he’s holding out for Lance Bass. Lance just updated his status to “single” on MySpace, and has JT’s “What Goes Around” as his profile song.

Lindsay Lohan is scaring people away from rehab. One of the rehabees left the center and said Lindsay ruined everyone else’s rehab fun.

Isaiah Washington wasn’t at the Screen Actors Guild Award with his Grey’s Anatomy cast mates. Did anyone check Fred Phelps’ place.

Uh oh, Diddy dropped Jude Law’s ex off at her place Sunday morning. The, he did the “stand-there-and-stare of shame.”

Stooksoscope for Monday

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You have an uncanny ability to see trouble coming from afar. But, frankly, Louie Anderson’s ass is large enough that anyone should be able to see it coming, and move out of the way in time.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

You’re in a mood, and it’s imperative that you get some alone time. Someone’s about to propose a great idea, and you need to be at your most receptive. Where’s that leftover Schlitz from the weekend?

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Can you feel the love? You and that certain someone are in a sweet spot right now when it comes to how you relate: Connect Four.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The more you try to hide from a tough situation, the more difficult it will get. Come up with a plan for how to deal with this, and then walk directly up to your fear. Just be sure no one’s around when you’re wrestling with the life-size standup of Mr. Clean at Walmart.

Stooks Proverb: There’ll plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead. So put away the Nyquil and get out the razor blades.


Katie Holmes turned down $2 million for a Batman sequel, and will instead accept $250 thousand for a role in “Mad Money,” a comedy. I think she’s cool on money for awhile, so don’t worry too much.

J. Lo on Scientology: “It’s weird people want to paint it in a negative way…It’s just sad that people would look at it in that way.” Same goes for Gigli. By the way, it looks like her dad’s been a Scientologist for almost 20 years. says the following photo is the first proof of the existence of the second Federline child. Or a loaf of bread.

Jennifer Aniston might have a new nose, and she’s not happy with her plastic surgeon for talking to the tabloids.

The Enquirer says Jen plans on adopting two kids. Why does that sound familiar?

Lindsay Lohan’s rehab-mates are annoyed with all the special treatment and extra recesses for Lohan.

Jessica Biel flew out to hang out with Justin Timberlake, and they may have done “the deed” to some degree.

Armed and Famous got its Latoya Jackson handed to it by American Idol and won’t be back until the Summer. I’m not aware of what programing will replace it, or could possibly be worth pissing away more than this one.

Michael Jackson, in a phone interview, says he’s in the U.S., but he won’t say where. Probably in some pubescent’s bed.

Mary-Kate Olson needs a bigger purse to hide behind.

“Didn’t Han Solo give that fur to Luke in Empire Strikes Back? Where are the guts?”

Stooksoscope for Friday

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Binding agreements and long-term situations are looking pretty good to you right about now. And Catharine Zeta-Jones only sweetens the deal.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Hoping for the best is always a great outlook, but it doesn’t hurt to have a back-up plan just in case. Save that refrigerator box.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Socially, you’re all about putting everyone else at ease. Now the stars say it’s time to put yourself at ease with your own body. Delicious and healthy meals, exercise, lots of sleep, a new razor for that thick forest on your back: Make them part of your lifestyle.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Uncharacteristically, you dig in your heels. This conflict could actually have a higher purpose, as God also buys his heels at PayLess.

Stooks Proverb: If you play with fire, you get burned. See Britney Spears crotch for proof.


Nicole Kidman went to the hospital as a precautionary measure after she was involved in an accident in a stunt car on a movie set. I’m confused.

Miss USA will do her first post-rehab interview February 1. I hope she pukes on Roker.

The Grey’s Anatomy cast is giving Isaiah Washington the shun treatment.

Lindsay Lohan took a break from rehab for lunch with her friends.

Jessica Simpson may be using John Mayer to get back at Nick Lachey. I’m still not sure what John’s using her for.

Cameron Diaz went golfing with that surfer guy she’s been seeing. Things must be getting serious if he’s sport-jumping for her. reports that Marky Mark had a salad and a bottle of vitamin water by himself.

Keith Urban’s ready to return to music. The cocaine will come naturally.

Stooksoscope for Thursday

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This association is improbable, firstly because you-know-who is the last person you ever pictured yourself associating with, and secondly because of how utterly delightful and necessary they’ve become. If Carrot Top can change, everybody can change! (Insert Russian translation here)

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

It’s time to splurge. That doesn’t mean putting your credit card through the wringer or playing hooky on all your duties. Why not indulge in the ultimate luxury: attacking a piñata fashioned after Kathy Griffin.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Someone’s friendship has made things much brighter and happier for you, especially during a recent rough patch. Even better news: you’ll be featured on Fox’s “When Brazilian waxes go bad.”

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Your physical self is full of useful information, and right now it’s telling you something extremely important. You have swamp ass.

Stooks Proverb: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush are worth three in Britney’s crotch.


Kevin Federline has been telling Britney Spears to get into rehab for the sake of the kids. Ouch.

Isaiah Washington has gone into homophobe therapy. First lesson: tolerating highlights on men.

Paris’ little sister Nicky was overheard telling Paris to “just walk in a straight line.” They’ll work on puking in a straight line at a later date.

Jessica Simpson is riding with John Mayer on his tour bus. She’ll rub her “suck” off on him if it’s the last thing she does.

I hope this doesn’t spell doom for their planned makeout session on “Dirt,” but the Enquirer says Jennifer Aniston is pissed at Courteney Cox for being nice to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

A restaurant trade association is upset about a Superbowl spot starring Kevin Federline as a fast food worker. Their employees are much more qualified than K-Fed.

Mandy Moore is dating Nicole Richie’s ex. A couple fingers down the throat and she’ll surely be his dream girl.

Dustin Diamond is trying to get more free stuff than Gary Coleman at the Sundance Film Festival. If he loses, he can always draw a nice mustache on Gary’s face while he sleeps.

Sharon Stone hasn’t been wearing her bra. I’m glad to see she’s doing her part in spread the message of abstinence to children.

Frankie Muniz is sporting a new badass haircut and “don’t ‘f’ with me” strut.

“Jane Kaczmarek can eat my ass.”

Rachel Ray said Oprah “obviously has problems being black” in reference to a photo that depicts Oprah with slavery whip marks simulated on her back.

Rumors swirl that Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek are more than just friends.

George Lopez says Jay Leno is a terrible interviewer and a two-face. No double-chin yet. That would be devastating.

Stooksoscope for Wednesday

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

It’s tempting to make promises, but can you fulfill them all? If not, it’s better to be honest right off the bat. You’ll feel adult and responsible for knowing your limits, and others will respect your truthfulness, ever though you can’t really put your legs behind your head while eating a banana.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Spur-of-the-moment decisions can have big effects on your emotional health. Believe it or not, there’s always some space to think before you decide, unless Louie Anderson and Mark Mangino are in the same room. Then there’s no space for anything.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Sometimes the universe clears the path for you, but other times, you need to take the action and the realizations will follow afterward. Can you take the initiative now when it comes to your inner development? Start with cutting your three-can-a-day refried bean habit out of your diet.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You’ve got enough energy to power a city, so now the question is, what are you going to do with it all? If you say “Save the Cheerleader,” the stars will smack you.

Stooks Proverb: What you don’t know can’t hurt you. That must make Kevin Federline invincible.


Watch out! Rumors are swirling that Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox are going to at least have a makeout session on the season finale of Courteney’s F/X drama “Dirt.”

It seems as if Lindsay Lohan can take breaks from rehab whenever she wants.

Anna Nicole has found a new shanty in the Bahamas.

Here’s something odd: an instant message exchange between Anna Nicole and Larry Birkhead, potential baby-daddy. changed the screen names, so don’t waste your time trying to get Anna Nicole to your place.

Anna Nicole quit trash me at the casino
Larry not at a casino
Anna Nicole go f**k my mom to
Anna Nicole Yall are sick
Larry show up for the test with the baby\
Anna Nicole don’t think so
Anna Nicole u wish
Larry everybody just want u to do right thing is all
Anna Nicole in your dreams

A porn peddler is trying to get Paris Hilton and Jenna Jameson to participate in “Virgin Territory,” a project aimed at devirginizing people. There aren’t too many other details, but I’m wondering if each woman gets a scorecard.

Tara Reid got sandwiched by Akon and one of his band members, “Night at the Roxbury”-style. has the awkward video.

“My areola’s been restored, and TWO men are touching me!”

Stooksoscope for Tuesday

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Someone insists on barging into your private time. That’s why you should always do that under the covers. Can’t you crochet in peace?

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Sometimes you just have to throw all your eggs into the skillet in order to make a big, beautiful omelet. Just make sure to have the Scrubbing Bubbles on standby to fix the impending damage to the porcelain in your bathroom.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Warrior energy infuses your soul. When it comes to the rules of social engagement, you’ll let someone know when he or she is out of line. Whew! They sure won’t be messing with you again, and rightly so. You’ve got a mean left hook. Where’d you get that installed at?

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Enough with dwelling — it’s time to start living. So like James Brown once said, get up offa that thing. And as James Brown once said, “do as I say, not as I do.” Otherwise, you’ll be dead and have your carcass paraded around the country.

Stooks Proverb: Love makes the world go round. Sausages made Mangino go round.


Paris Hilton has decided to stop fighting her DUI case and pleaded “no contest.” She has to pay $1500 and go to an alcohol education program. Or teach it.

Anna Nicole Smith’s lawyers are trying to avoid a Tuesday deadline for a paternity test.

Meanwhile, she lost her case against the dude who wanted his house back in the Bahamas. They’ll fumigate the house, then her vagina.

Tara Reid showed up at the Sundance Film Festival. Maybe she thought she could enter film of her old areola as some kind of art piece.

Johnny Depp has an old school electric chair in his living room. So that’s how he gets his hair to do that.

Kate Moss helped push a Mercedes out of the mud. Then she did a celebratory line off the hood.

Paris Hilton was caught leaving her house with a pillow. No word on who’s love stain was planted on it moments later.

Billy Ray Cyrus will be on Dancing with the Stars. I wonder which star they’ll pair him with.

Some PETA members snuck into an audition for J. Lo’s reality series “Glow After Dark.” On stage, one yelled out “J. Lo, fur ho.” J. Lo corrected them, saying her title should always come first.

Ashlee Simpson says she likes that people pay more attention to Jessica than her in public. She can plan on keeping it that way.

Mike Tyson says he has nothing to do with the bags of coke cops found on him during his DUI arrest. No comment on the half-eaten Lennox Lewis spawns in the trunk.

Isaiah Washington met with gay rights groups to apologize, and say “I would never call you all a bunch of faggoty fag fag fags.”

Keith Urban has sent a video message to fans thanking them for their support during his rehab. It may not sound like much until you think about how much time he had to spend getting dried-up vomit off the camera lens.

Show Clips

Jeri Anne’s dad caught someone shoplifting at his clothing store…after the guy left the store. So he sent him a bill. We asked our listeners to share their stories.

Segment 1 – Taco Bell Shoplifting (3:15)

Segment 2 – The plants outside Walmart (0:33)

Segment 3 – The High Lady (4:57)

Segment 4 – Someone needs to shoplift a new phone for the High Lady (3:15)

“Ugly Peyton Manning” (4:40)

Stooksoscope for Monday

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You can really benefit from listening to the wisdom in your dreams. Continue ignoring the hermaphrodites in your dreams.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Don’t fret if things feel off-kilter in your personal situation now. You can’t always be on an even keel, especially with your Rolaids habit.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The stars encourage you to shake off the past. They discourage you from shaking violently in crowds.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Usually you’re in the driver’s seat because you know where you want to go and how you want to get there. Let someone else take the wheel. That way, when your grandma follows you to the porn shop, you can blame them.

Stooks Proverb: Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? To tip over.


Britney Spears reads US Weekly to catch up on what she does while wasted. Nice floral outfit.

“Those damn zoom lenses could make anyone’s vagina look wretched!”

Kevin Federline took in a Justin Timberlake concert. Fifteen women left the show pregnant.

Justin Timberlake didn’t dump Diaz to get back together with Britney. He’s fine with her being trashy by herself.

Ex-Miss Nevada says she was so blitzed she doesn’t even remember putting an assortment of nipples into her mouth in front of cameras.

Halle Berry’s remodelers are only allowed to talk to her if she talks to them first. She’s probably sick of hearing how hard Catwoman blew. Even from immigrants.

Orville Redenbacher lives! One of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen.

Speaking of zombies, there’s a rumor going around that Bob Ross will rise from the dead for his own game on the Nintendo Wii, although it looks like they’re looking for a new developer already.

“Unbutton your shirt to your belly, roll a doobie, and break out the pthalo blue.”

Stooksoscope for Friday

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

It’s tempting to say that you’re right and everyone else is wrong, but is that truly the case? Yes. And it’s time to do some convincing with the help of a knife, hypothetical O.J.-style.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

The same old thing simply doesn’t get you going. Grandma really needs to work on her motivational skills, and clean her teeth while she’s at it.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

People know that your insights and intelligence are the genuine article. Your chest? Not so much.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Taking a big step forward in your career can be scary as well as exhilarating. You’re not quite sure you’re ready. But who is? Take a few deep breaths, put on your homeless guy gloves and hit the streets.

Stooks Proverb: Lucky at cards, unlucky in love, but good at smoking cigars and wearing questionable visors.


Britney hit up a hamburger joint in West Hollywood for some nachos. She thanked the cooks and even offered to “work in your kitchen one night,” without even asking about the pay.

It looks like Lohan is in for a full 30-day rehab.

The guy who called Lohan a firecrotch played a key role in getting her into treatment.

Paris Hilton’s taking her acting career seriously. She hasn’t been partying, while filming 10 hours a day for “The Hottie and the Nottie.” Even her crotch scabs are starting to heal over.

Both Simpson sisters are on Donald’s good side. Photographers spotted them at the launch party for Trump Vodka. Rosie will never forgive them for stiffing her “I like eating cupcakes” party to attend Trump’s function.

One of Nicollette Sheridan’s male buddies got into an argument with a photographer. The photographer told the guy to keep his hands to himself if he didn’t want to get hurt. I’d hate to see the bloody mess the paparazzi would’ve become had he been talking to Nicollette’s fiance, Michael Bolton.

“I simply put on a little ‘Soul Provider,’ and she slides right off the couch.”