Kama Sutra Virus

Have you heard about the Kama Sutra virus?

Well, I got confused after I Googled “kama sutra” to find out about this nasty little bugger, and stumbled upon the “Kama Sutra Animated.” I was shocked to see that this was some kind of obscene website!

Hint! You can set the poses as the desktop on your computer, but they will not be animated.

Hint! Probably shouldn’t leer at website too long while working

So, Stooks in the Morning presents “Stooks reacts while reading the animated Kama Sutra.”

The “I’ve been ravaged by Stooks” Pose

Old people do the darndest things

The Pops of Pudding is almost at that age.

The Prewitt and I went to breakfast at Chubby’s in KC the other day.

There was an old woman sitting next to us.

She had three empty packs of smokes, each one stuffed with cigarette lighters.

She used her cane to try to retrieve a penny off the floor. The Prewitt and I made eye contact with each other, as if to say “You help her.”

She was eating some oatmeal concoction that looked like a cat had popped a squat over it.

Yup, that was one crazy woman.

But, she doesn’t beat the old, possibly German woman who called our show today.

Liquor liaison

I met the most entertaining middle-aged woman ever today.

I wish I would’ve gotten her name, but it was at 12:30 at the Handy’s Liquor Store (tee hee…Handys…).

I say “Hey, how’s it going?”

My new friend says “It’s Thursday!”

And then we get into an in-depth conversation about how Thursday is actually better than Friday because of the anticipation of Friday. Whereas Friday itself is never as good as you thought it would be. Kindof like the Mortal Kombat movies.

Unfortunately, I didn’t think of the Mortal Kombat comparison at the time. But I’d guess a Shaft remake reference would’ve been more up her alley anyway.

Then, I say “I’m looking for vodka.”

She points me in the general direction of the vodka.

Feeling that she might be disappointed with me, I say “I don’t think you’ll be impressed with my taste in vodka,” as I retrieve a half gallon bottle of Viaka.

Then, she capped off the best liquor store experience of all time.

“I don’t buy the expensive, either. As long as you’re mixing it with something, who cares?”

I resisted the urge to hop the counter and ravage her right then and there. It took every fiber of my being to resist the temptation.

I paid my $10, and she bid me farewell.

“Have a nice weekend,” said the lovely liquor lady.

“And you enjoy the rest of this Thursday,” I said, fighting away the tears, as I walked out of her life…forever. Or until I want to get drunk in the afternoon again.


Yesterday, some guy came into the laundromat, opened up a dryer, and inspected a pair of panties, a la the above photo.

He leaves.

Then the panties’ true owner arrives.

I didn’t tell her anything. And here’s why:

“Excuse me miss, but some creep was in here inspecting your panties.” Then, she proceeds to burn all of her clothing and never go to the laundromat again.

Or, I don’t tell her and she’s not psychologically damaged for life.

Here’s our discussion from this morning.

Green tea wisdom

Have you ever read the side of one of these Celestial Seasonings boxes?

They have all kinds of wisdom.

And if drinking the tea and following the advice turns me as cool as the badass on the front of the box, I’m all for it.

In celebration of the fine reading available on tea boxes everywhere, Stooks in the Morning presents “Reading the side of a Honey Lemon Ginseng Green Tea box in an annoying voice.”

Spacing out

I shave in the shower. This morning, I had already done the hair thing, the face wash thing, and the sudsing of my unmentionables, so I was ready for my shave.
Then, I proceeded to apply shaving cream to my entire face.

I drove to work, then wondered how I got here when I showed up.

No, I’m not under the influence of Charles in Charge.

“But Charles! Those blond siamese twin waitresses are waiting for us!”
-Buddy Limbeck, if I wrote “Charles in Charge.”

Staring Contest

How awkward is it when you catch someone staring at you? Not as awkward as you getting caught doing the same thing.

I always try to play it off like I’m taking a general overview of the room, maybe searching for catsup. Yeah, that’s right. The “ketchup” spelling is for losers.

We got some good responses this morning on the air, including an old man sneaking a peek in the restroom, and another appearance from the high lady.

Then, a little later, another woman calls in. And in the background, you can hear the high lady talking. The high lady snatches the phone away from the other woman and takes over the story. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder.

The Bogeyman

Why is it spelled that way?

And the alternate spellings are no better:

The bogeyman, also boogeyman, boogyman, or bogyman, is a ghost-like monster that children often believe is real.

“Boogieman” is more like it.

And children “often” believe he is real? Isn’t that saying the majority of children think he’s real?

As Stossel would say, “Give me a break!”

Disclaimer: Mattstooks.com is not making the assertion that John Stossel is indeed the Boogieman…though his stash is definitely hiding something.

Hate Mail Part II

First off, here’s the phone call that prompted the angry Email. We were talking about the occupations that annoy the normal folk. Car salesmen, telemarketers, etc. were on some recent study of the most unethical jobs when a caller said Jehova’s Witnesses should be added to the list.

I got another Email today.

Subject: you miss understood me
To: mattstooks@mattstooks.com

No I know what you meant. I was just saying maybe you should have said it different. Its over with so. I thought you could have slammed me better, but that’s ok. You did get my one long sentence in there. Like my brother said this morning we just like to criticize people we do it to ever one we here on the radio. I don’t hate you guys even though you it might have sounded like it. I was just saying you said something dumb. I guess this is my way of apologizing for miss understanding what you said.

Hate Mail

What could I have said to prompt the following email? Did I really imply a Hitler-esque elimination of an entire religious group? I’ll have the audio here tomorrow. In the meantime, do your own grammar check, and then we’ll share notes.

Subject: d.j’s suck
To: mattstooks@mattstooks.com

My brother and I listen to all you dumb ass djs in the morning. You know sometimes you people should keep your mouth shut. Like when you said all jahova witness should be wiped out that was just wrong maybe all religon should be taken out more people die over religon than anything in this world. Now I know you think your funny but quite frankly I think you suck and should be replaced with some one with an IQ over 60.

Thoughts for today

Don’t go to the bathroom immediately after coming in from the cold. Things are a little harder to get a hold of, and when you finally do, the fingers feel especially chilly.

People who back into their parking space at work are setting the stage to get out of there as fast as they can, even though the net time lost is far greater than pulling in head first. That’s why we can’t make the opposite inference for people who pull in head first. They may just be too lazy to back in, yet still want to get the hell out as fast as possible. But at least we know for sure on the “backies.”

Gravy can be poured over any breakfast. Biscuits, eggs, bacon, Wheaties, whatever.

I have observed two people this week eating DQ (of the “cold treats” variety) while wearing a winter coat inside our office. That’s dedication. I’ve also decided DQ needs to come out with a Blizzard called the “Fudge Gobbler.” I hear it’s high in fiber.

Too late for Latino Heat

The WWE, formerly known as the WWF, is going to start testing wrestlers for drugs and steroids after Eddie “Latino Heat” Guerrero died a few weeks ago. They didn’t find drugs in his system, but he used to dance with the white lady a couple years back.
That may solve one problem. But looking at the above photograph, I’m wondering if Satan played a part, becoming enraged with Latino’s superior, acrobatic facial hair maneuvers.


I’ve sucked at updating the website lately.

And the longer I go between posts, the more pressure I feel to come back with a good one to make up for it.

I liken it to what Luke Perry must think when he looks over scripts for possible Lifetime original movie roles, looking for the one that will make people say “Wow! LP is back!”

Sidenote: Nothing hurt Luke Perry more than when he took part in the weekly Oz “Who’s going to show their goods this week?” showcase, and even made “Earthworm Stooks” look decent while unclad.

Anyways, I’ll keep trying to think of something decent to put here. If there are any earth-shattering topics you think I should cover, leave me a comment.

Holiday Cheer

I’m full of it.

Holiday cheer, that is.

Okay, I’m full of something else, too.

Our sister station, Q103.5, is going 24-hour Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving.

I got the privelege of putting the thing together, which involves staring at several computer screens for eight hours a day and sifting through 800 Christmas songs, trying to find the right mix of Amy Grant and Barry Manilow.

Then, I get to go home and try to find the most flammable Santa suit I can find online while contemplating climbing our 600-foot tower, lighting myself on fire and singing “I’m dreaming of a non-existent Christmas” as I plummet to the ground.

Seasons greetings,


P.S. Was the long-awaited new post everything you hoped it could be?
P.P.S. I can’t believe I just did the “P.S.” thing. What a loser.
P.P.P.S. Whoops. I did it again.

Justin Carson’s World Famous Cheese Dip

Disclaimer: The above photo does not include Justin Carson or Matt Stooks. No way in the world either one of us want to be confused with the douche in red.

1 can cream of chicken soup, ½ Cup sour cream, ¾ Cup On The Border salsa, 2 Cups Colby or Jack cheese, shredded. Mix together all ingredients in microwave-safe 1 ½ Qt. bowl. Microwave on high for 4 minutes. Remove and serve with On The Border tortilla chips.

We enjoyed a batch last night. Quite tasty, and it is in the running for the John Stossel Pick of the Week.

And no, he didn’t rip it off the back of an On The Border chip bag.

Federline Shakur

This guy’s pathetic.

Is the hat in that picture supposed to imply that he is a fan of all of Major League Baseball instead of just one team?

I’ve been meaning to add this for the last week, but here’s that clip of Kevin Federline rapping for his next CD.

Supposedly, his producer leaked the clip to the Internet.

You might guess that he was trying to build hype for the CD, but I’m thinking it’s more of a “maybe if everyone hears this crap, they’ll cancel production, and I’ll be spared from having to bleed out the ears every night” type of thing.

Return of the High Lady

A while back, we did a bit on people who you want to ask “are you high?” Then, like clockwork, we got a high caller. You can relive that moment at this post.

Then, we started talking about my friend Chris (you can check out his hilarious site here) and how the dog he started watching died within two weeks.

The High Lady called in with a very odd story. We didn’t put it on the air…simply too awkward.

But you can enjoy it, anyway, right here.



Okay, so you have one friend over.

You don’t bother to pick anything up around the house. If you’re good enough friends for them to come over solo, then you’re comfortable leaving your house the way you usually do: messy.

Now, you have twenty friends over. You clean the place up a little.

That’s this website.

Mattstooks.com’s highest total hits came in September, with 8,769 hits for the month. Not too bad.

In October, that number quintupled (pretty sure that’s a word) to a new record of 42,479 for the month.

Okay, I just found out hits mean nothing. But we had visits from 3,185 different computers, up from 704 in September. Good job team!

Apparently, America had an unfulfilled need for lame attempts at humor involving herpes commercials, Chris Matthews playing the voice of Kermit The Frog’s brother Steve, and my standards for women being just above the villainous Mama Fratelli from The Goonies.

I’m no Randy Jackson

Justin, Intern Val, and myself had to, I mean, got to judge a kids Halloween costume contest last night.
After denying 100 five-and-under-year-olds any recognition for their adorable attire, I realized that even I would have trouble dogging on Scott Savol during his horrifying stint on American Idol. Click here to see my thoughts on Scott Savol. Click here to hear his ridiculous attempt at singing.

After looking into Scott’s mousy little eyes, I’d have to pull a Paula and proclaim “you’re all winners!”

A brilliant idea

ABC is developing America’s Next Muppet.

It will be American Idol and America’s Next Top Model combined…but ten times better.
I don’t really need to argue with anyone on why The Muppets need to come back to TV.

But I do want to argue for my muppet idea: Kermit’s older, alcoholic, politically conscious half-brother, Steve (couldn’t think of a funny take on what Kermit’s half-brother’s name might be, so I went as far away as it possibly could be), played by none other than Chris Matthews of TV’s Hardball.Just listen to his voice and tell me that’s not Kermit’s older half-bro, alchy, poli-sci guy.

I’m a Cosmo Boy!

Nothing keeps my femininity in check like reading a Cosmo.

We were checking out their web page during the show, and stumbled on a tip that said men don’t like women who make the first move.


I forecast a zero possibility of a guy turning down a girl who makes the first move. Well, at least as long as she doesn’t resemble Mama Fratelli from The Goonies. And yes, I did have to IMDB that one.
Here’s what our worldwide listening audience thought this morning.