
Angelina Jolie’s 3 year-old Vietnamese son’s adopted name is Pax Thien Jolie. It means “Good peace” or something ridiculous like that.

Jennifer Aniston, obviously frustrated with Brangelina and their adoptive ways, is thinking about a move back to New York.

You can send your “thoughts and inspirations” to Britney Spears through her website. However, her people will screen your messages, so “keep spreading those legs” probably won’t make it onto the site.

Britney’s going through a case of Coke a day. Much improved from 20 lines of it.

And she may have found a new boyfriend in AA. Sounds healthy.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were caught looking unhappy together at his son’s basketball game, and rumors are flying that Tom’s looking to “retrain” Katie in the ways of Scientology. Step one: toothpick her eyes open to a screening of Battlefield Earth.

Martha Stewart spotted her sketch artist in the crowd for a taping of “Martha.” Good eye.

Contrary to a Wikipedia entry, Sinbad isn’t dead. Sorry to break the news.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Excitement is growing even more than it was before. Has someone been taking the Enzyte plunge with Smiling Bob?

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Assuming that other people’s lives are totally under control while you’re a big mess is silly. See if you can transfer your mess to them, Federline style.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

A cooler side of your personality prevails right now. Good for you. Don’t let minor altercations become much bigger under today’s celestial influences. Tomorrow’s celestial forecast is more in line with a beat down. Wait it out.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

‘What goes around comes around’ isn’t just a saying. If anything, it’s more like a rule to live by. What would you rather spread — contentment or anger? Happiness or irritation? It’s in your hands, especially now. Just don’t write a song; Timberlake already did that.

Stooks Proverb: Dead men tell no tales. Dead Mermaids have tails.


Cocky ass: Larry Birkhead shopped at Babies ‘R’ Us.

Angelina Jolie is in Vietnam, presumably to pick up a kid.

Jessica Simpson wants to adopt a kid. She’s copycatting Madonna copycatting Angelina. WTF?!

Don King met with the Pope. I can’t wait for Pope-Tyson on Pay Per View this Fall.

“I don’t tell anyone where I get my threads!”

Tori Spelling gave birth. And it looks like she made up with her mom. Did she get the placenta?

The Baha Men are $500 thousand in debt. Didn’t see that coming. “Who let the creditors out?”

Hampton Shoe Vixen is offering Star Jones free shoes for life if she becomes their spokesperson. They think she could use some new shoes because of her weight loss. Are they factoring in room for the extra loose skin on her feet?

LL Cool J is pitching for Subway now. Watch out for Jared, LL!

The Enquirer says Meredith Vieira is in panic, finger-pointing mode after a ratings drop on the Today Show.

If you’re wondering, Donald Trump still has a made-for-WWE feud with Vince McMahon.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Some parties really want to get aggressive, but you don’t have to succumb to their combative tendencies. Give them one of your special brownies, their tone will change in no time.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

People from your past may rekindle old feelings. The million-dollar question is this: Do you want to create new memories with them? Make sure you don’t fall into old, bad habits. Remember how hard it was to explain your imaginary friends the last time?

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Personal needs demand that you rethink your schedule. Maybe it’s time to finally succumb to reading on the toilet. Doonesbury seems like a good natural laxative, anyway.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

With so many new goings-on around you at home and at work, it’s time to take extra-special care of yourself on multiple levels. The stars just aren’t sure what level armpit tickling falls into.

Stooks Proverb: True love never grows old; it just gets wrinkly and sloppy.


Add bipolar and bulimic to Britney’s problems.

Howard K. Stern still hasn’t forked over his DNA.

Donald Trump says Rosie O’Donnell gets depressed by looking the the mirror.

Brad and Angelina plan to keep living in New Orleans for awhile.

An American Idol accountant says former contestant Mario Vazquez sexually harassed him. Somehow, he couldn’t get out of the way as Mario ran his hand under his shirt and grabbed his junk while trying to unzip his pants.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure everyone will see I’m not gay and dismiss the suit.”

Australian officials charged Sylvester Stallone with illegally importing 48 vials of human growth hormone.

Oprah’s South African school doesn’t allow cellphones or email.

Busted! Paparazzi caught Lohan’s friend pouring vodka into her water bottle.

It’s a triple bypass for Regis.

Whitney Houston is working on a new album. I hope she calls it “Did anyone see where my teeth landed?”

Police arrested Leonardo DiCaprio’s bodyguards in Israel for getting in a fight with photographers. I hope they laid off the anti-Semitic tirades.

Tori Spelling and her mom are trying to work out their differences, starting with Tori’s nose.

Jennifer Hudson seems like a bitch.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Blazing a new trail isn’t easy, but the effort will be worth it. People will know you’re a force to be reckoned with once you’ve completed your Hasselhoffro.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Trying to figure out what’s really going on in someone else’s head is a fool’s game, unless it’s Britney Spears’ head. That’s a challenging game for the whole family.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Take other people’s comments with a grain of salt, and you’ll be much better off. Nothing you sign up for now is set in stone. Luckily, the rule of Columbia House has come to an end.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Pay attention to how you’re allocating your energy these days. If it’s well spent, you’ll end up getting more done than you thought possible. If not, you’ll end up the youngest kid from Home Improvement.

Stooks Proverb: A miss is as good as a mile. And when you’re aiming at Louie Anderson’s ass, it’s all the more embarrassing.


Antonella Barba says those photos were for her own personal use, not for everyone else. I guess she needs a pictorial reminder of how to use the toilet.

Law & Order: Criminal Intent will do its own version of the Anna Nicole Smith story this May. James Brown’s corpse will play the role of Anna Nicole’s corpse.

Video of Britney and two dancers at a New York nightclub are for sale, and could hurt a potential custody battle. Do the two dancers dance inside her vagina or something?

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee were caught making out.

75-year-old Regis needs a heart bypass.

Snoop Dogg was arrested in Sweden for suspicion of being under the influence of drugs. That seems a little unfair.

Adam Sandler continues to keep Rob Schneider from becoming homeless.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Working with a certain coworker seems like it’s asking for trouble, but you know how making assumptions can cause trouble. The stars say if you restrict yourself to the task at hand, you might get more done than you’d hoped for, especially if the task is playing with Microsoft Paint.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Ignore any pressure you’re feeling (especially if it’s coming from yourself). Let any relevant parties know you’re not quite ready to make a move, but you will be soon. Then go somewhere peaceful to think. Check to see if there’s a Kevin Costner film playing somewhere.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Ambitious moves and power shifts on the job help put you in place for the brass ring. Your success is assured, especially when the powers-that-be get a look at all of your hard work. Who knows where you’ll go next? Maybe they’ll put you in charge of condom surveillance.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You have a judicious eye when it comes to evaluating the people in your life. While you clearly know how to size someone up, make sure they don’t feel manipulated before you do any maneuvering. Make sure they’re not aroused when maneuvering around them as well. That could spell disaster.

Stooks Proverb: There’s a black sheep in every flock. Kramer usually calls it names.


Idol’s Antonella Barba says she’ll stick around L.A. for awhile to see what kind of offers she can muster. She would like singing, acting or modeling…toilets.

With Antonella and Sundance Head gone, is encouraging viewers to keep voting for Sanjaya. Meanwhile, Simon says he’ll quit if Sanjaya wins.

Maggie Gyllenhaal will take Katie Holmes’ place in the next Batman. Katie is too busy with other commitment, mainly her “time in the tower.”

Tom Cruise tried to convert Larry King to Scientology. They need a member who likes like an owl.

Tom Brady might be reproducing with his current girlfriend, too. His offensive attack is quite potent.

It looks like Rosie will probably hang around The View for another year.

Vegas odds are on Heather Mills losing her leg at some point during Dancing with the Stars. Whether Ian Ziering steals and pawns it isn’t on the table just yet.

Jessica Simpson and John Mayer spent a couple of days in Rome together. That’s his part of the deal. Her part is letting him go to Transylvania.

“I would like to thank the dark…”

A rehab facility is suing Courtney Love for an almost $200 thousand tab. Can you blame her for losing track?

Mr. Nicole Kidman says he doesn’t like being called that.

Salma Hayek is pregnant.

Madonna’s former nanny is writing a tell-all book, which includes such outrageous diva demands like not making noise while Madonna sleeps.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Defending yourself is a waste of time and energy, especially when you’re not the source of the problem. Focus on the task at hand. It’s been your turn in Jenga for like five minutes now.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Focus on bonding with your family. It’s time to heal issues from the past before you charge ahead with your current endeavors. Start with the time you walked in on your dad wearing a training bra while giving himself a pep talk about how “the girls” will move up to the big leagues one day.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Work and personal concerns are really on your mind, and you’re feeling the pressure. Oh, maybe it’s the Louie Anderson sitting on your chest.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Delay important emotional decisions until you’ve got a clearer, calmer head. It’ll take about five more hours for the Robitussin to wear off.

Stooks Proverb: The early bird gets the worm. Big Bird gets hives from worms, so he’s cool with sleeping in with his arm draped over Snuffy’s hairy chest.


Kevin Federline is keeping up his regular visits to Britney in rehab. Let’s just hope he’s rolling tape again. Or is he? The Enquirer says he’s been pitching a reality show about a clueless dad trying to raise two sons.

Before her first rehab, a clothing store’s employees say she had staff watch her kids while she tried on various outfits without the aid of a dressing room. And we all know what kind of tripping hazard an unleashed Brit-vag can be.

A Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes associate’s been busted shopping for baby boy stuff. Creepy.

An online porn rental company has offered Idol contestant Antonella Barba $500 thousand to become their spokesperson, double the amount offered by Girls Gone Wild for similar duties. “If you like pictures of me on a toilet, you’ll just love SugarDVD’s unmatched rental service.”

American Idol’s executive producer is taking on Rosie O’Donnell for saying the show discriminates against fat black people. He pointed to Randy and Ruben as examples.

Michael Jackson says he wouldn’t change a thing about his career. Why would he want to? He’s molested and molested and still gets paid $3500 to shake hands.

James Brown is totally neglecting in props for destroying Anna Nicole’s “not buried” time. Seventy three days dead, and he’s still not fertilizing the grass from the wrong side.

No more visits to Anna Nicole’s grave for awhile. Too many people have torn up the cemetery. There goes my picnic plans.

Usher or Santa?

Whitney Houston is still running around with Brandy’s brother Ray-J. She’s 17 years older than him and has spent most of her life with Bobby Brown. I wouldn’t take her up on that offer. Although, his porn tape is set to go on sale March 21, so he’s not keeping it too awful classy.

CBS fired Katie Couric’s producer for her piss poor ratings. They should fire her plastic surgeon next.

Paris Hilton has portraits of herself all over her house. It may be a little self-indulgent, but at least she didn’t put pictures of Nicole Richie up.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Being a party animal takes a backseat to a more contemplative mood. With the stars in their most insightful mood, you can see what was clouded by a fog before: Louie Anderson’s backside.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You don’t need to send out a detailed report about your latest goings-on, even if people are asking questions. They can wait for the family Christmas card like everyone else.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Love can be a puzzle. Check in with your heart to get the rest of the pieces. Or just jam a piece in that obviously doesn’t fit. Then, call it “done.”

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Love walks right in and changes your point of view. It’s much harder to watch TV while doing the dishes, isn’t it?

Stooks Proverb: To err is human. That’s why Spock was such a cocky jerk.


Justin Timberlake’s producer/songwriter Timbaland says he and Justin are ready to bring Britney back to some kind of musical form once she becomes somewhat reasonable. Maybe JT just needs her for “Rancid box in a box.”

Britney didn’t take Kevin Federline’s Ferrari away after all. Or he just got it out of her garage during one of her rituals.

Angelina Jolie should have her new Vietnamese boy in time for the Summer. Madonna thinks she could beat that.

Tom Cruise plans to stalk his wife at work. He’ll be taking her to work on the film “Mad Money” every day when it starts filming in the next month. If she wants out of the dungeon, this is the price.

“Tom, my ankle monitor is itching again.”

OJ Simpson says he had a fling with Anna Nicole Smith, and his slow moving sperm may make him the baby daddy. Keeping it classy, OJ said “I don’t want Fred Goldman trying to seize her money – or the baby herself.”

Court TV has hired Star Jones to host a legal show this Fall. I smell a Nancy Grace throwdown.

President Bush’s daughter Jenna is writing a book about her experiences with UNICEF. I imagine each chapter starts with “First, we picked up a bottle of Viaka.”

Naomi Campbell has to clean floors at a New York City warehouse as part of her reparations to the law. Hint: it’s hard to clean a floor by throwing a cell phone at individual specks of dirt.

Jennifer Aniston has a new routine. When she sees photographers, she turns around and walks backward so they can’t get a shot…until she falls on her ass.

You could win a lunch date with Miss USA. Disclaimer: the Miss USA Competition isn’t liable for any vomit, urine or other bodily fluid-related stains.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

There’s a lot to look forward to, especially with the stars’ benevolent rays beaming on your social calendar. Friday: try out that new melon baller!

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Your friends just love talking to you, and it’s no wonder. You’ve been popping Altoids.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your romantic interest is giving you mixed signals: ‘Come closer, no wait — now go away.’ Oh, you’re playing the hokey pokey? Nevermind.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You want things to go one way, but a loved one has different ideas about what should happen next. Decisions, decisions. It happens every time you try to make a Screech Smut Tribute Video.

Stooks Proverb: You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. Flip-flopping hasn’t been cool since John Kerry came in and dorked it all up.


Britney Spears will mark one week in rehab if she makes it to Thursday, but her family is thinking the full month might be too much to ask. A couple of days without attacking a car with an umbrella or turning into Satan might be enough.

Simon Cowell has a pretty reasonable grip on the Britney situation. “It’s very fashionable to be in rehab…We’ve allowed these people to feel sorry for themselves. I don’t know what’s going on in Britney’s head but my attitude is I couldn’t care less.”

Trouble’s a brewin’ on the set of American Idol. TMZ says some of the female contestants have been a little catty ever since Antonella Barba’s portfolio showed up online.

“And I refuse to work until Antonella comes back!”

Lindsay Lohan’s mom say Lindsay is “on a great path.” Hopefully the scenic path leads Lindsay’s mom to a cliff.

Mel Gibson is looking into shooting a movie in Panama. This is a man dedicated to avoiding Jews at all costs.

George Bush Sr. says he didn’t touch Teri Hatcher’s ass. The video of the exchange “lied.”

Jerry Springer on taking over as host for America’s Got Talent: “I’ve been around some of America’s most talented individuals on my talk show for the last 16 years, so I’ll feel right at home.”

Show clips

Steve Schnell’s “Better be careful who you make eyes for” Report (1:08)

“Preview Review” – TMNT (4:36)

Fire Engine in the way of Chipotle (3:16)

The funniest thing you’ve seen in awhile 1 (2:41)

The funniest thing you’ve seen in awhile 2 (4:28)

The High Lady’s “Lucille?” (5:40)

Jeri Anne’s pale skin needs a parcel 1 (1:20)

Jeri Anne’s pale skin needs a parcel 2 (1:57)

Scoop (2:53)


Pardon my filthiness, but I saw this on Yahoo’s front page today and chuckled: Start the week off with roasted red snapper tonight.

Britney Spears went on a $3 thousand online-rehab shopping spree. Pretty cheap if she had to have “666” or “My toddlers are the spawns of the anti-Christ” etched onto every item. If you hadn’t heard, Britney wrote “666” on her forward and called herself the anti-Christ before a weak suicide attempt this weekend.

Larry Birkhead’s lawyer says there haven’t been any negotiations between Howard K. Stern and Larry. However, they will “Rock, Paper, Scissors” for the next potential model-billionaire prey.

Some guy says Diddy beat him up, so he’s suing. He quotes Diddy as saying “I’ll smack flames out of your ass,” before punching him in the face. I don’t know if Diddy deserves to get sued for the only cool line he’s ever come up with.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban spent a vacation together, constantly making out off the coast of France. And to keep you from doing the same, here’s a picture:

“I’m totally kicking your ass at ‘catch a loog,’ Keith!”

Hasselhoff is quite the bachelor these days. He was dancing at a club in Vegas’ Caesar’s Palace this weekend. Could you imagine the personal glee you’d feel upon walking into a club, only to find Hasselhoff tearing it up on the dance floor?

Paris Hilton played a little celebrity poker this weekend. She may seem like an easy opponent, but you’re forgetting that her “normal face” “poker face” and “O face” are all the same.

Daniel Radcliffe has officially signed on for the remaining Harry Potter movies. But, they had one hell of a time coming up with a creature for him to ride naked.

Star Jones gets to play lawyer on TV again, this time for a May episode of Law & Order: SVU.

“Cheers” mailman Cliff will take Vincent Pastore’s spot on Dancing with the Stars. He’d better still have that grade-A stash working.

“Do I have norm in my stash?”

Police busted Laguna Beach prick Jason for the equivalent of an MIP. That’s what that cheating asshole deserves, right girlfriends?

Show Clips – Guys hate Oprah

Thanks for everyone’s feedback on the website. As you see, I’ve merged the new format with the old “blog view.” We’ll keep tweaking what we have, so make sure you let me know what you want.

The Iraqi Woman calls to congratulate President Bush on beating President Clinton (2:19).

Guys seem to hate Oprah. We tried to find out why.

Segment 1 (3:37)

Segment 2 (6:20)

Stooks Voicemail: “Your outgoing message blows!” (4:01)


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

A certain person you’re counting on may turn out to be flaky. Don’t worry, though — it’s just temporary. Tell them about Selsun Blue.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Wait until some of the extraneous noise dies down before you make a decision. What you hear could change your perspective on the situation and open up a world of options, especially if what you hear is Louie Anderson in the bathroom at Olive Garden.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

It’s time to do some downsizing when it comes to your personal and professional life. Take control and strip away the nonessentials, starting with your Luke Perry bathmat.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

There’s such a thing as having too much attention to detail, especially when it comes to making decisions. Take a breath and make a choice: paper or plastic.

Stooks Proverb: The eyes are the window to the soul. Eye boogers are the dead insects smashed to the window.


Britney Spears is reading Brooke Shields’ book on post partum depression. If that doesn’t take, Brooke says she would meet with Britney. If that doesn’t take, maybe they’ll look at putting her down.

Angelina Jolie filed adoption papers in Vietnam as a single parent.

Anna Nicole’s grave has become the number one tourist site in the Bahamas. They love the exposure. I wish every day could be Anna Nicole’s funeral!

Slash went to Anna Nicole’s funeral.

Donald Trump says Howard K. Stern is a “total loser.”

The producers for the Simple Life rushed Nicole Richie to the hospital Friday for dehydration. They tricked her into eating some, too.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck says she and Rosie are friends, despite rumors stating otherwise.

Michael Jackson spent the weekend in Japan, shaking hands for $3500 a pop. Wet naps not included.

ABC is developing a sitcom based on the Geico caveman commercials.

One of Wolfgang Puck’s employees may have given Hepatitis A to some of his catering clients. The health department says high profile people were possibly exposed. I just think it’d be funny if Paris caught Hepatitis A through eating.

It must suck being Jim Belushi’s kid.

“I don’t like mopeds anymore, daddy.”


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The stars commend you for staying grounded and patient. Is it any wonder that your outward circumstances now match your inner attitude? Unfortunately, the carpet still doesn’t match the curtains.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Is the charm of this person or situation going to wear off in a few days? Yes, but their B.O. won’t. Smells like Goodcents.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Let your intuition guide you when it comes to expressing yourself — right now you’re so attuned with the greater forces that it’s almost uncanny. Show off that inner glow by going out for a night on the town. Don’t puke on your best friend’s cell phone this time. Speakerphone still doesn’t work right.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Your warrior spirit is called to action, but in an unusual way. Only you could be so brave in the face of full body lice infestation.

Stooks Proverb: It takes two to tango, which isn’t as easy to remember as the number of people for a threesome.


John Travolta says Scientology could’ve saved Anna Nicole. “We could have helped her with Narconon but didn’t get a chance.” I wish I made that up.

Everyone got excited, thinking Britney Spears was wearing her wedding ring. After forensic examination of the picture, says the ring she’s wearing is not her wedding band.

It only took a couple days for Bobby Brown to pay $20 thousand in back child support to get out of jail.

Kathy Griffin and Nick Carter got dinner together in front of TV cameras for the likely reality show, “Who wants to try to find the one named Nick Carter at this table?”

You know you’re a complete loser when Jeff Goldblum files for a restraining order against you.

Sharon Stone passed out on a couch at a furniture store.