I’ve been using Twitter a lot the last week. I setup my account a year ago and never used it. Twitter keeps getting more and more buzz, so I decided to give it the full embrace. I love it. Now, I will try to convert you.
Twitter asks “What are you doing?” Then, you answer in 140 characters (a text message is 160 characters, for reference).
Here’s a collection from my feed:
Running out of hard drive space fast. I smell a terabyte external hard drive on the way. It smells metallic.
Rocking out to Neal Conan on NPR – the perfect after-lunch activity.
Easily made a flash movie with iMovie ’08. Next up: Five Dollar Footlong from Subway. Then, time to embed that movie. Fingers crossed.
Jalapenos from last night’s nachos playing catch up with my gut.
Royals up 9 to 1 after four. If they get any kind of consistent offense this year, people will talk.
Watching my third American Idol episode of the season. I’m so happy my current job doesn’t force me to watch this stale turd.
As a Twitter member, you choose to “follow” others. Their Twitter status will show up on your homepage at Twitter. If someone chooses to follow you, Twitter will let you know, and you can choose whether you want to follow that person’s updates, too. My updates are public, but you can choose to let only approved people see your innermost 140-character secrets.
If I’m not at home, I’ll use my phone’s web browser to update Twitter.
“Hot Eats” customers need to know that they’re slowing the drive thru for us “Cool Treats” people.
Shocker: Crappy driver has a “Mean People Suck” bumper sticker.
In a questionable cab after a great time with live music at Herb’s.
I haven’t used it yet, but you can text updates to Twitter. You can also have Twitter text you updates from select people. I probably don’t want to get text messages from some marketing guy I follow, but I might want to get them from a friend looking to go catch the Royals that night. If I’m out, I can tell Twitter to send texts from the proper friends.
You can setup your instant messenger to use Twitter. It’s pretty cool, too. Like texting, you have to tell Twitter who you want to get IM updates from.
The coolest thing about Twitter is how easily you can mold it into whatever you want. I want to use it to talk to my friends, to share in-the-moment thoughts, to network and to get news and information. I love it now, but the more friends and family I get on it (hint), the better it will be.
Sign up today! If you don’t like this service, you’re doing it wrong.
One more thing: don’t forget to use the “reply” feature when using Twitter.