
Britney Spears people say she fell asleep at 1 a.m. New Year’s because she was tired, not that she collapsed because she was too drunk. I’ll have to see some photos to be sure. Vagina = sober.

When not passing out, Britney has been pretty good about being slutty. She made out with Arizona Cardinals quarterback Matt Leinart Friday night. Then, his mansion turned into a trailer.

More weird NFL-celebrity news: Jessica Simpson’s dad worked out a deal with Dallas quarterback Tony Romo. In exchange for some Cowboys tickets, Joe Simpson let Tony namedrop Jessica Simpson as a love interest. At least he’s not completely whoring her out, well, at least until her career is officially dead.

Meanwhile, Jessica and Nick Lachey have settled their finances. He gets the flat screens and she gets the DirecTV commercial DVDs.

Michael Jackson showed up for James Brown’s funeral. He says James was his biggest inspiration. Musically. Not pedophilically.

“Smell my hand.”

Paris Hilton’s New Year’s Resolution: go to a children’s hospital everywhere she visits. Let’s just hope Britney’s vagina doesn’t join her for the visits.

You can now wipe your ass with Paris Hilton and not worry about infection. Someone’s eBaying toilet paper with her face on it.

“Now available in Tabasco ply, for that burning sensation you’ve come to expect from Paris Hilton!”

Kevin Federline is scheduled to be on tonight’s WWE Raw. I called it. I’m betting he’s in for a decent string of appearances to keep his cash flow in line with his declining lifestyle.

Lindsay Lohan got pissed and made a scene at Girls Gone Wild Sleaze Joe Francis for hitting on girls not named “Lohan” at some club in Miami. I just can’t get over the fact that the guy behind Girls Gone Wild would be hitting on girls. I’m with Lo on this one.

Mike Tyson’s mugshot photo from his DUI/Coke arrest isn’t quite as glammed out as a Mel Gibson or Nicole Richie mug, but he made an effort. Here’s a good Wikipedia entry on Tyson.

“I’m so blazed, I could impetuously eat like 10 Lennox Lewis children right now.”

Disappointment alert: Mariah Carey is going to be in Playboy…fully clothed.

This’ll make you feel better: Indiana Jones 4 will start shooting next year.

Some guy dropped $20 thousand at Jose Canseco’s garage sale, and he says Jose hasn’t given him the bedroom set yet. So the guy’s suing. What’s Jose think? “Hey, that guy got more than his money’s worth in used needles.”

McGwire before he realized Jose needed to do more than just bump arms to give him some steroids. Then, he was confused by the whole ass injection procedure for awhile.

Free for All

Jeri Anne was our guest co-host today.

She’s a corrections officer for the Shawnee County Jail.

She explained the difference between jail and prison (3:04).

We also heard how she got screwed by her adviser at Washburn (2:21). Literally? You’ll have to listen.

The rest of the show was all about the Free for All.

Choosing the Cracker Barrel over Olive Garden for an anniversary (3:25).

“Singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to yourself”” (4:00).

Revisiting “Mike Myers is gay?” (5:21)

Stooksoscope for Friday

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Put your determination on display. Yeah, just keep sitting there with your Pringles can on the Polydent-stained coach you got from your grandpa.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Let the rational reenter your life as you restore organization to some parts that have gone topsy-turvy. A little chaos every now and then is necessary, but now it’s time to clean everything up. Don’t ask O.J. for advice on that. “If I cleaned up after slaughtering” wasn’t picked up, either.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You’re in the mood to live large. Consult Mark Mangino for tips.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

It’s easy to judge someone based on something that’s actually just a small part of the overall picture. But should you really base your opinions of people on your ability to solve the Magic Eye puzzles at their house?

Stooks Proverb: Laughter is the best medicine, excluding diseases native to Britney’s crotch.


Donald Trump continues to amuse over Rosie. She called him a pimp on her blog, and he responded. “Rosie got mentally beaten up by me, because she’s a mental midget, a lowlife. I think she’s got a death wish. It’s too bad a degenerate is able to get away with things like that.” Did he forget about her being fat? What’s going on? is shutting down. From “As Britney keeps losing her identity and credibility within fans and industry people, so is [World of Britney],” writes Ruben Garay. “I believe Britney is unfortunately done (for me at least). No matter what anyone thinks or how they may disagree, it’s very hard to maintain the respect needed to keep things going.” Ruben says it wasn’t all the vagina’s fault. There was Kevin Federline, too.

Clay Aiken is an ass. Some 15 year old kid won some competition where the prize is apparently singing before a Clay Aiken show. Then, Clay kicked him off the show for not singing a Christmas song, or for a fellatio refusal. I’m not sure.

The guy who arrested Mel Gibson is being investigated for leaking information to Oh, how strong the long arm of Mel.

More boobie pictures of Ex Miss Nevada have been discovered online. They’ve been up since June 2004. The pictures. Not her boobies. Okay, maybe her boobies, too.

Paris Hilton is hosting some New Year’s “Bash” in Australia. The venue: her uterus.

Luke Perry and Jason Priestley got a bite to eat in Beverly Hills together.

I can’t do this scene any justice no matter how good the caption.

Ginger Spice ate ice while skating with Posh Spice in London. Scary Spice would’ve been there, but she freaks out every time she sees her reflection in the ice. Wow. Lame joke.

Fish in your business

Lots of random fun stuff from today’s show.

“Fish in your business” The Song (0:34).

“Fish in your business” The Explanation (2:17).

Is Mike Myers gay? (0:47).

Knight Rider is a logistical nightmare (3:54).

The New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (3:39).

“Gotta love the marquee at Dara’s” (4:29).

Resolving to win the Lottery for New Year’s (2:26).

The Scoop (3:02).

Stooksoscope for Thursday

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Now that you’ve pinpointed what you really want to do, you’ll be surprised at the influential person who steps forward to help you on your chosen path: a mummified Don Knotts.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

You need to shed whatever’s not working, mainly, your Diddy-line Raccoon Dog fur jacket.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Acting with integrity ensures that the future of this situation will be as smooth as possible. The stars suggest you play it straight, so maybe you should lose the two-sizes-two-small Power Puff Girls Summer Short pajamas you’ve been strutting your stuff in.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Cooperation could turn to competition if the players’ aggressive impulses go unchecked. This may not be unwelcome, however, since passions will be aroused in all kinds of areas, especially your medulla oblongata.

Stooks Proverb: He who has no children, brings them up well. Or, at least better than Michael Jackson.


The Enquirer says O.J. Simpson’s addicted to painkillers. At least he’s over that whole addiction to slaughtering people phase.

Jessica Simpson is in the midst of a meltdown so severe, Ashlee’s been called in to cheer her up. In Touch says Jessica’s depressed and even spent two days locked in her trailer on the set of “Blonde Ambition.” They say her mess-up at the Kennedy Center Honors is responsible for her depression. I’m thinking she’s a little sick of seeing her dumbass in all those DirecTV commercials.

Some think Paris Hilton is now calling Britney Spears “The Animal,” to get back at Brit for ending their friendship. Or maybe she just thinks Britney has some kind of creature living in her crotch.

Nicole Richie’s dad says maybe she’s be better off in prison. Wouldn’t they have to install mesh screening over the bars to keep her from escaping?

No one’s really sure where Kevin Federline is living these days. He still has wheels, so at the very least he’s still got his Suburban to crash in.

Tara Reid has been showing off her body at Caribbean beaches the last couple days. No areoli sightings just yet.

Keith Urban took a break from his rehab to spend time with his family. Sounds like another Kodak Christmas.

James Brown’s corpse is barely cold, yet Spike Lee has announced a movie on him.

The Enquirer says the behind-the-scenes crew at Grey’s Anatomy is jealous of the stars’ exclusive gym on the set. Although, I don’t think their jealousy stems from potential intimate steam room encounters between Isaiah Washington and T.R. Knight.

Courteney Cox got a speeding ticket. I guess it’s better than having David Arquette leave her for Rosie’s fat ass or something.

“Are you sure I need a ticket officer? I was in a Springsteen video…”

Returning gifts and Rosie sitting on Trump

Andrew London joined me as our “guest fill-in co-host.” It’s quite the prestigious title.

Think returning Christmas Gifts is awkward?

How about returning a douche? (2:13)

Check out this Trump-Rosie mind puzzler (0:34).

We also talked about what a clever thinker Trump is (1:41).

“I’ll be lit for Christmas” (0:52).

Oprah and Stedman are living together. And Oprah has something hidden in her elastic-waist pants (1:34).

The Stoner has a conspiracy theory (1:21).

We also did a little fast food roundup, complete with the creepy Burger King video games and a not-so-reassuring guy speaking on behalf of Taco Bell (5:41).

Stooksoscope for Wednesday

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You believe two heads are better than one, and the stars give you a chance to prove it. Well, YouTube has the Siamese twins video, too. You might try that first.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

A difference of opinion could turn into something fiery. Wear a condom. No glove, no love.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Self-sacrifice is absolutely necessary at certain times, but this isn’t one of them. Why must you mutilate yourself at your aunt’s Christmas party.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The stars give you this opportunity to hone in on the top tasks in your life. It’s time to make a clean sweep of less successful efforts from the past. Make sure to back everything up and keep all your helpers in the loop. Keep O.J. on standby. The guy, not the fruit juice.

Stooks Proverb: Don’t suffer the fate of the boy who cried “wolf.” I mean crying “wolf,” in front of your friends? Pretty lame.


James Brown died. He kicked ass in Rocky IV. Apollo died in Rocky IV.

Oprah and Stedman are now living together. No word on whether Gayle King will be forced out of the bed completely.

Rosie O’Donnell is blogging about Donald Trump. Here’s a line for Trump to use: “I’m surprised they make a keyboard big enough to accommodate Rosie’s fatass fingers.”

“I could fit FIVE Melanias in Rosie’s fat ass!”

Donald has come to the brilliant conclusion that maybe the Miss USA organization should do some checking into the contestants’ backgrounds.

Miss Nevada wants a second chance, and has a valuable lesson for America’s youth: “Please don’t let your guard down when it comes to being photographed,”

Michael Jackson might have bought a house in Vegas, and is getting ready to be a Vegas act. I think it involves singing, but who knows?

Michael’s suing his accountants.

Britney Spears may do a show-and-tell with Vanity Fair, except the pictures will be of her kid, not her vagina.

Britney has been enjoying candlelit dinners with music producer J.R. Rotem., who looks like he isn’t quite the trash Federline is.

Diddy’s clothing line features a “faux fur” jacket at Macy’s. Unfortunately, the “faux” actually stands for “dog.” The coats are made of raccoon dogs. That isn’t a very “PETA friendly” alternative, if you didn’t know.

Nicole Richie was caught eating human food.

Fred Durst was caught bragging about hanging out with Lindsay Lohan. No surprise here.

Arnold Schwarzenegger broke his leg while skiing.

Carson Daly says he doesn’t have a rivalry with Ryan Seacrest. Can you have a rivalry with your exact duplicate?

Martha Stewart has “thousands of shoes.”

Angelina Jolie continues to be better than you: she spent Christmas with refugee children in Costa Rica.

Chris’ last day

Today was Chris’ last day, and we stuck with our Free for All Friday mode to say goodbye.

“A breakfast tribute to Chris Casey” (3:29).

“A woman wants Chris’ help to get into the music biz” (2:37).

“The Harry Potter Fan” fan (1:33)

Longest Distance Listener Shua says goodbye (2:44).

“I bonded this guy out of jail…” (1:54).

The cigarette line at Walmart, revisited (3:52).

Going away joke (1:23)

“I don’t know your names” (0:48).

Our last break together (3:53).

We waited all show, even saying “Fran, call us,” yet the High Lady waited until the show was over to call us.

The High Lady’s Farewell (1:49)

Stooksoscope for Friday

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

An unorthodox job opportunity could open up your possibilities for creative freedom. But remember, people just don’t tip as well for fecal art as they used to.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Relationships improve when you apply a good attitude to them. If you do, you’ll be able to make smart decisions and stay firmly rooted in the here and now. Who knew that by giving yourself the present, you’d give yourself a future as well? Too bad you’ll never be able to tell anyone about your past. That poor street sweeper.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The more you’re able to clear your to-do list, the better you feel. Focus on reducing rather than increasing, and you’ll see how easy it is to simplify your life. This sense of relief is easily attained: Head On. Apply directly to the forehead.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You love helping people out, but the stars say it’s time to take a step back to live your own life. Your sock puppets will be fine.

Stooks Proverb: The family that prays together, stays together, especially if they pray in a vat full of Super Glue.


Britney Spears has been named “Most Controversial Celebrity of the Year” by CNN’s Showbiz Tonight. She won by a vagina hair, just edging out Mel Gibson.

Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donnell are feuding and Barbara Walters is stuck in the middle. Ha. Amazingly, Rosie is acting more adult about it than Trump. My favorite part: Donald saying “I’d like to take some money out of her fat ass pockets.” Here’s the full list.

Diddy’s girl gave birth to twin girls Thursday. From “The older twin is named D’Lila Star, for Porter’s grandmother, and the younger is Jessie James, for Combs’ grandmother.”

Jessica Simpson’s performance of 9 to 5 was so bad, even after a retake, that she’s been completely cut out of the Kennedy Center Honors tribute to Dolly Parton.

Lohan’s vagina almost flopped out in this picture.

Miss Nevada has lost her title because she acted like Miss USA.

Reminiscing, without the walking through the park part

Today, we spent some time looking over some of our favorite clips over the past year. Since Chris is leaving the show, we explained some of his bits a little more.

You’ve heard some of these before, but not with the fun explanations from today’s show.

“Stooks hungover after watching the Oscars” (4:11). For some reason, this clip never made it to the website the first time around.

We also talked about an interesting incident involving Blade Velasquez (7:22). After we played his first song, someone showed up at the station wanting to confront us. The story’s included in the segment. By the way, if you haven’t added Blade to your MySpace friends yet, you should. Here’s his profile page. You can check out his other songs there, too.

Stooksoscope for Thursday

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Take off in a brand-new direction. It’s time to show off your skills — including a few that people didn’t know you had. Just be sure no small children are around when you do it. That trick is illegal in most states and Puerto Rico. Just ask Screech.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Choose to radiate serenity, even if everyone around you decides to cop an attitude. It’ll take practice at first, but all this effort will pay off. You’ll soar past old obstacles toward new successes, mainly, schizophrenia.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Who knew you could run into romance while taking care of errands? Be sure you don’t get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that you miss the smile a cute stranger is sending your way. What is it about transsexuals, anyway?

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Take a long look at your finances and career before you join in with someone else’s plans. Is this really what you want? Is it even possible right now? These are all crucial questions to ask before you make a move. It may be time to face the possibility that you just can’t hang when it comes to Connect Four.

Stooks Proverb: Ninety percent of inspiration is perspiration. So, when people tell you you smell, just pretend they said “you’re so inspired.”


In Touch Weekly says Britney Spears has been calling Kevin Federline and taunting him about her makeout sessions with J.R. Rotem and about how little money K-Fed has.

For Christmas, Paris Hilton gave Britney Spears a $500 purse to carry a dog in.

Britney Spears got a hand tattoo of a star or something white trash related.

Kevin Federline may have driven Five Star Vintage Clothing out of business as their spokesman. He doesn’t work for them, anymore. We’re not sure if anyone does.

“Yeah, we movin’ some merch after this photo shoot today!”

Nicole Richie isn’t hiding under a blanket, anymore. It smells like Lionel under there.

The Enquirer says J. Lo’s family is telling her to stay away from Tom Cruise and his Scientology goons.

Cameras caught Pauly Shore checking out Nicolette Sheridan’s ass, then spotting the cameras, then acting like he didn’t notice either her ass or the cameras.

LOST’s Evangeline Lilly’s rented house in Hawaii burned down when she wasn’t home. I bet Walt or Michael did it. Traitors.

Santa’s listening

I had it on good authority that Santa was listening to today’s show. We told our listeners to get their last minute Christmas items onto his list.

Segment 1 – Role models (2:08)

Segment 2 – A Wii for Mom (4:41)

Segment 3 – Someone to do the laundry/Did you say “Happy Holidays?” (4:14)

In other show activity…

“I didn’t steal this car, I’m just transporting it” (2:29)

“STD Experience Needed” (0:49)

The Harry Potter fan is excited again (2:19)

Stooksoscope for Wednesday

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Feel like someone’s put a second helping of anxiety on your plate and you didn’t even ask for the first? Maybe it’s time you speak up and say “can’t someone get some G D mashed potatoes up in here.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Lately the tried-and-true just hasn’t been doing it for you — you definitely crave novelty more than most. Are you ready to try something new? No, not hoola-hooping. You’re still not ready for that level of cognition.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Did you take a detour and end up stranded? Never fear, because this time is almost over. The path may not be straight at first, but you’ll get used to it. Mel Gibson puked on it the first couple times, but he had a handicap.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You’ve been eyeing an objective for a long time, especially since you know it’s well within your reach. Who put the Twinkees on top of the refrigerator in the first place?

Stooks Proverb: There’s a black sheep in every flock. And Kramer is thinking about sticking it upside down with a fork in its buttocks.


Britney’s going to burlesque clubs, by the way. Here’s an incident from the weekend: Britney, while smoking, got on stage, “gyrated for the crowd,” and showed off her bra. The club owner asked her to move out of the way. Then, she started drinking again.

Paris Hilton is taking acting lessons in preparation for her role in “The Hottie and the Nottie.” Thank God.

Maybe it wasn’t the drinking: To avoid photographers, Lohan was driving while ducking under the wheel or covering her face.

Miss USA didn’t get demoted, but she did get sent to rehab.

Michael Jackson is in talks to sell The Neverland Ranch through the Bravo show “Million Dollar Listing: Hollywood.” Michael used to have a much darker look about his skin.

Oprah’s in talks to get Naomi Campbell on her show. Is she trying to get Gayle King killed? Maybe Stedman?

Larry King won’t have a replacement when he retires. I guess the name “Larry King Live” might get a little creepy when Larry’s not on the show, or perhaps, dies.

The story about one of the supporting actors from Prison Break getting in a car accident that killed a 17-year-old passenger has been a little bit neglected. Blood alcohol tests are still pending. How is that possible? I’m assuming he refused a breathalyser. But still? How long does that take?

Lara Flynn Boyle got married. Then, she got broken in two during consummation.

Speaking of frightening mental images, Kim Cattrall says there will be a Sex and the City movie.

I find this shocking: NCIS was the number one show on TV last week.

Christmas freakout

“You’re hearing voices? Maybe you should just go to a shrink instead of the police.”

Stooksoscope for Tuesday

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

It’s time to pack up your troubles and get happy. Your luck has just taken a spectacular turn for the better. Now you can gleefully put away any lingering problems that have been on your mind for far too long. Go ahead, try on your grandma’s underwear. No one’s looking.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Renewed energy arrives in the nick of time. Diego always comes through for you in a pinch.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Your stable nature also has some wackiness. You’re a multifaceted, fascinating person. Someone out there sees this softer side of you and likes what they see: a basket-weaving fool.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You have great expectations and, what’s more, the abilities to make them become a reality. Some friends have their own issues and aren’t thrilled about this. Maybe if you could resist the urge to lure small children into your cardboard theater for sock puppets, they’d see things differently.

Stooks Proverb: Your tongue can paint what the eye can’t see. Maybe Britney will hire you.


Sad: Joe Barbera of Hanna-Barbera died at 95. They had tons of badass cartoons: Flintstones, Jetsons, Yogi, Scooby, Don Knotts, The Harlem Globetrotters, Sonny and Cher…

Britney got booed off the jumbotron at the Laker game Sunday, and then left at halftime. Here’s a flattering shot someone got of the jumbotron:

“This shot misses my vagina completely! Quick, mister! Lift and spread!”

Britney showed up to her mom’s birthday in this outfit:

“What? My cooter’s covered.”

The tabloids continue to think Britney’s makeout dude, J.R. Rotem, is trying to milk his publicity. Because, surely some professional music producer would never get into decent clubs or partake in drugs or alcohol on his own accord.

Paris Hilton has a male masseuse who comes to her house. Hopefully she pays enough for him to afford a female delouser to go to his house.

Esquire quotes Katie Couric: “You guys even take a shot at me. You have something about how since I’ve become an anchor, you don’t know me anymore. You don’t know me anymore? Bite me.” Then she smiled, and said, “help me come up with a cool closing line for the news. Something along the lines of ‘smile your troubles away…'”

Japan canceled a Christmas appearance by Michael Jackson over outrage at his $3,300 price tag for individual photographs and meetings with fans. No performance. But if you happen to meet certain unspecified criteria, you just might get quite the individual performance later on. For free.

Mel Gibson’s a sloppy eater.

“Is that the blood of a Jew on your shirt, Mel?

Photographers thought they had a symbolic gesture when they rescued a Paris Hilton poster from Paris Hilton’s trash bags. I guess they didn’t catch the irony. And how dangerous is rummaging through trash associated with Paris Hilton? You could probably get diseased off just a whiff of it.

After turning it down three times, Joey Fatone says he wants to be on Dancing with the Stars. If John O’Hurley can wrestle Family Feud away from Richard Karn after “Dancing,” surely Fatone could land “Blind Cash Cab,” after some exposure.

Omarosa says Miss California will take over for Miss USA, who’s so much a drugaholic that she’s been photographed with Axl Rose, who I’ve finally given up on completely.

Tori Spelling is still pregnant, but she’s pretending to be a mom by pushing her pug around in a carriage. Seems stable enough.

“I can get used to this much quicker than the whole breastfeeding thing, Miss Mimi La Rue. I’m still sore.”

Clay Aiken can sing through vertigo, and you probably can’t. Loser.

The Return of Meatspace

First off, Meatspace has a new video for you. We played the audio for everyone today, but the video does make it slightly better.

Steve Schnell called in with his “One week ’til Christmas ” Report (1:36).

We heard about how I almost got our station into a rumble at our Christmas party Saturday (3:21).

One of our callers thinks diseases are racist (2:30).

One of our listeners has a going away offer for Chris (1:49).

Stooksoscope for Monday

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

All the stars are on your side, so ride out these recent upheavals. They may not look pretty on the surface, but if you wait, you’ll see how they actually end up being beneficial. You could open up a diner with that much face grease.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

The universe thinks you’re on the right track, and it’s sending you little encouragements to keep your spirits up. You’re frustrated because you want a bigger sign. Try taping several pieces of poster board together.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The more you can detach yourself from a conflict, the better you’re able to state your case. Try bathing in tomato sauce before you talk to the sewer people.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

If actual travel’s not possible, explore places you don’t know in a mental or spiritual way. Roam if you want to! That’s the way Catherine Zeta Jones would’ve wanted it…if she were dead.

Stooks Proverb: Don’t fear a crooked shadow, unless it has a chainsaw.


At last check, Lindsay Lohan still goes out every night but isn’t drinking.

Britney Spears had a tough time getting her car to follow her commands the other night.

While showing off her vagina, Britney-style, porn star Mary Carey says Britney stole an act she’s been doing for four years.

Britney’s little makeout session with producer J.R. Rotem looks more and more like a one-time thing. Lucky guy.

Justin Timberlake has no comment on Britney.

Stavros Niarchos wants to introduce Paris Hilton to his parents. But first, he wants her to stop acting like Paris Hilton all the time.

Anna Nicole Smith is back in the United States. All it took was a meeting about her dead husband’s money.

Miss USA may be losing her title for behaving like Lindsay Lohan. And she even ragged on Lohan-types when she was pitching for the title.

O.J.’s publisher has been fired. At least she wasn’t murdered.

Vanessa Minnillo bought a whole bunch of baby stuff. Could she have made a baby with Nick Lachey?

Beyonce’s dad hates Jennifer Hudson of Dreamgirls.

ABC already canceled “Show me the money,” the creepy trivia show hosted by a dancing William Shatner and hot chicks.

Stooksoscope for Friday

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

If you’re seeking drama, you’re sure to find it. Wouldn’t it be easier to figure out what you need and ask for it? Your instinct may be to go into this with both barrels blazing, but will that garner real results? If you could only find out how O.J. would do it.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Doubts can be so persistent, unfortunately. Whatever you do, don’t close your eyes and ears to preserve your fantasy of how everything should work out. Remember your trip to the emergency room the last time you tried to close your ears? A staple gun just isn’t the way to go.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Some deep work is required to clear out an emotional wound, but your inner diplomat is at war with your inner psychologist, and your inner Danny Bonaduce isn’t helping the situation.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Just remind yourself to stay focused in the right direction through these changes. Lately it seems as if up is down, black is white, and Rosie O’Donnell is Al Roker.

Stooks Proverb: Don’t judge a horse by its saddle. Judge it by its dental hygiene.


Nicole Richie is still wearing a blanket around to make it harder to take her picture. It’s all good until every bone in her body collapses under the pressure.

Doctors are weighing in on why Nicole might have taken Vicodin the night of her arrest. They say it could’ve been prescribed for her period. I could imagine losing 50 percent of your body weight during your period might be reason for pain.

Paris Hilton has been using her MySpace page to defend Britney Spears honor. But here’s the thing: Paris doesn’t have a MySpace page.

It looks like things between Britney and Paris may already be over, anyway. Her people told her hanging out with Paris wouldn’t be good for her career.

Some crazy fan got Britney Spears car door open, and then did an interpretive dance before photographers rescued Britney.

Angelina Jolie is not pregnant. In fact, she’s on the pill

Courteney Cox has a pretty intense professional feud with Brad Pitt. She wants her production company to beat his out for projects, and still holds bitter feelings about his breakup with Jennifer.

Pam Anderson says Kid Rock is a liar. He had said she was out partying every night and was just an all-around terrible guy.

Kato Kaelin on O.J. Simpson’s pulled book, “If I Did It”: “What do you mean, “if?”

Martha Stewart is spending the holidays alone.