Is that the sound of urine?

Mike, Justin and I hit a couple of bars before the KU game Monday.

Justin’s bladder is the size of a shot glass, do we had to duck into The Eldridge Hotel for a bathroom break between bars.

The Eldridge is an ancient hotel, and its bathrooms are no exception. The men’s room had two stalls, no urinals. Some douche was talking on his cell phone while on the shitter, so we took turns with the remaining toilet.

By the time I entered the restroom, my bladder was at maximum PSI. I was annoyed at this guy talking on the can, so I unleashed my mightiest stream. I wanted the person on the other end of the phone to hear every ounce of my tinkle. I pushed as hard as I could. Luckily my bowels were in check, or I might have shat myself. I zipped up and smiled at a job well done.

Blogging about not blogging

I have some pictures and stories to share from my night in Lawrence for the Jayhawk’s national championship victory.  However, I need to regrow some brain cells before I can write good.  If I weren’t so confused on the definition of “irony,” I might say blogging about not blogging was ironic.

Playing alone with your Wii

The Wii sucks at online gameplay.  I come across this criticism fairly often online (an example here).

I dabbled with online play with my Xbox when Xbox Live first came around.  I wasn’t all that thrilled with it, but I see why so many gamers love it: They never have to leave their apartment or make friends.

People who criticize the Wii for its online features don’t understand the nature of the Wii.

The Wii wasn’t designed for hardcore gamers.  A good portion of Wii owners hadn’t even picked up a video game controller until the Wii came along.  Most Wii owners, including myself, play only when other people are around.  You expect this crowd to play online?

It doesn’t make sense for Nintendo to invest the amount of money it takes to run a decent online service.  Even Microsoft has trouble keeping its online experience up and running.

So, if you want to play a lot online, get an Xbox or PS3.  If you want to have a good time with your real life friends, get a Wii.

Damn you, MySpace

I prefer Facebook (my profile here), but I have too many MySpace friends to let go of Myspace (profile here).

Two particular things joined my list of Myspace annoyances this week.

1. The MySpace “Updates” box

It notifies you of new comments, messages and blogs from your friends.

This “New Blog Posts!” notification has been on my page for the past several days, yet none of my friends have new blog posts when I click on it.  That’s annoying.

2. My MySpace blog

At first, I tried to use MySpace to draw visitors to  Every so often, I would put out a bulletin directing my friends to check out one of my podcasts or videos.  I gave in two weeks ago and started posting all of my new content from into my MySpace blog.  I figured this would increase the number of eyeballs on my junk (tee hee) without hurting my non-existent revenue.

As a result, I often get more comments on my MySpace blog than I do at  Why would I be upset about this?  Do you know how many hours I’ve spent over the last three-and-a-half years customizing and perfecting my home page?  Yet, my ugly-ass MySpace blog gets more traffic.  Sigh.

Chocolate Milk Handlebar Mustache

My favorite guy in quite awhile was at Gomer’s Chicken for breakfast Sunday.

This camera-phone-into-the-sunlight photo doesn’t do him justice.

He enjoys breakfast by himself with a handlebar mustache and a glass of chocolate milk. He will have to lick his mustache clean when he’s done with that milk. He’s eating pancakes. He takes a contemplative look over his glasses, which can double as a necklace thanks to a thin piece of rope connected to each ear piece.

He is a true badass. I want to have a conversation with him some day.

Time Warner rocks!

Tons of Royals games are in HD this year.

Yesterday was the first game.  Channel 1496 was scheduled to show the game, but I couldn’t find it on my guide or even type it in manually.  

Last night, Time Warner sent an update to my box, and the channel appeared after the hour-long reboot my box requires.  

Yes, I’m glad to get the channel now.  But, the fact that Time Warner couldn’t get me the channel on time just further builds my case that that company is an utter turd.  

Quick, call the Cap’n!

In this time of economic uncertainty, Americans are tightening their belts. This presents the perfect opportunity for Cap’n Crunch to save the day once more.

We haven’t seen a new variety of Cap’n Crunch since Christmas Crunch began brightening our holidays in 1988.

Twenty years later, I propose Cred’t Crunch.

Cred’t Crunch will strip Cap’n down to his core: pure sugar. The lone filler ingredient will be corrugated cardboard. The cereal pieces will take the form of unpaid credit card bills and the paperwork for adjustable rate mortgages.

Most good Americans are pretending to be Earth-conscious these days, so recycling cardboard in this manner should make us smile. Plus, the box will also have a sugar coating so you can crumple up the box when you’re done, pour milk over it, and eat what would’ve ended up in a landfill.

We want to use our corn to make fuel, which makes our precious high fructose corn syrup more expensive. By avoiding this heretofore necessary ingredient, Quaker Oats will save money in the process, allowing the name brand Cred’t Crunch to sell for Malt-O-Meal prices. Of course, Malt-O-Meal’s no-advertising strategy will allow for an even cheaper knockoff brand: Liquid’ty Loops.

Instead of battling the dreaded Soggies, the Cap’n will battle the even more hated Cred’tors. With his ample sword, the Cap’n will appear in commercials, fending off all those you owe money to.

Hey Quaker, why haven’t you hired me?

How one dude ruined the scene and made the night

Note: Lots more words in this post than you’re used to. Don’t worry. I’ll give you a podcast version so you can rest your eyes, if need be.

mp3 file (4:06)

We wanted to try something new Saturday night. We decided on the Kansas City Power and Light District.

Fearful of tight parking, we chose a space several blocks away. It’s no surprise we ended up at The Zoo, the first hole in the wall available.

The walls, ceilings and ductwork showed years of magic-marker graffiti: people’s names, pleas for sex, the phone number for Arthur Bryant’s barbecue, and anything else one might write while drunk. The bar encourages this behavior and provides the magic markers. It took Amanda several minutes to find a spot to scribble “Amanda was here,” that’s how prolific the graffiti was.

We were young for the mostly middle-aged crowd. A group of five or six abandoned their seats at the bar and left for the night. We were glad to take these seats and improve our access to $2.25 Bud Light cans.

Jon took the seat next to the Photo Hunt at the end of the bar, Chris to his right, me to the right of Chris, and Tony to my right.

The lights were low, the music was good, the beer was in cans. We shot some shit with the bartender, Laura. Chris and I went to high school with her, so it was good catching up. We enjoyed the scene.

Then, a sketchy dude wanted to borrow Jon’s cell phone to make a call.

This guy was at the bar alone. He claimed to have lost his phone the day before. Jon decided he didn’t want to lend his phone to some scary guy looking to call God knows who. The dude didn’t give up easily. They were having a pretty heavy argument but managed to talk in reasonable “inside voices” for what seemed like five minutes.

During their conversation, a new text message and voicemail showed up on my phone. I didn’t dare check. If the guy had seen my phone, he’d move from Jon to me. Jon is far better suited for these situations than I. I was glad to be two seats down from the action, just close enough to get the good bits of conversation but far enough to avoid any flying objects.

Then, the loud profanities came in full force. It started with the guy yelling “That’s fucked up!” and ended about a minute later when he called Jon a “Fucking pussy!”

That’s when an off-duty bartender told him to buy a drink or leave. He said he’d take a Coors Light. They asked to see his money. He said he’d take the beer first, then give the money. They weren’t falling for it. She threatened to call the police. The guy didn’t think she would. She did.

He warned that the owner would be pissed when he finds out about this ordeal. The off-duty bartender challenged the guy to name the owner. He couldn’t. But he still wouldn’t leave.

The guy was black, which isn’t relevant until this part of the conversation. He asked Jon “What are you guys going to do if we get a black president? You all are gonna be pissed!” We chose to bite our lips and stay silent. We felt we might agitate the situation if we admitted that we would likely move to Canada if America puts one of them colored people into the presidency.

Then, he walked to the other side of the bar. Somehow, he convinced someone to buy a beer for him.

A group of unfortunate girls got to listen to him talk about how he was a “Ninety thousand dollar a year steelworker.” He asked “Can your husband or boyfriend paint steel at 500 feet?”

At this point, my testicles retreated deep into my abdomen, cowering at the sheer volume of masculinity on display. Nothing gets the girls hotter than a self-proclaimed rich man who paints steel at 500 feet, yet “loses” his cell phone and can’t afford a can of beer at $2.25.

Two cops walked in, touched base with the bartender, then told the guy to leave.

We never made it to the Power and Light District. The Zoo was too fun to leave. Next time, I’ll draw a magic-marker penis on the wall or something.


Copyedit time!

I was a much better copyeditor at The Kansan (KU’s student paper) than I was a reporter. This means I’m better bitching about someone else’s shitty reporting than I am doing shitty reporting of my own.

With this in mind, I found a great piece of copy to edit from this story:

Clinton, who would be the first female U.S. president, and Obama, who would be the first black president, are in a heated battle for the Democratic nomination to face presumptive Republican nominee John McCain in November’s election.

Now, see my changes in bold:

Clinton, who would be the first female U.S. president, and Obama, who would be the first black president, are in a heated battle for the Democratic nomination to face presumptive Republican nominee John McCain, who would be the oldest and whitest first-term president, in November’s election.

Much better.

I can read!

For the first time since college, I’ve finished a novel. In fact, it might be the first time I’ve read fiction that wasn’t a school requirement. In two days, I flew through “Survivor” by Chuck Palahniuk, the “Fight Club” guy. It was a great time.

I’m disappointed I didn’t get into reading novels earlier. I told myself that fiction was a waste of time, as you get minimal real-world knowledge reading it. So, I restricted myself to books on marketing and self-improvement. I thought these had information I could use.

The marketing books were worth it. They helped me become a better radio programmer, show host and marketer, my current “job.”

The self-improvement books were crap. They were such a waste of time I almost prevented myself from admitting here that I once read them. Every self-help book is the same, just rearranged a little: Make some lists, eat healthy, don’t drink, be nice to people, exercise – you know, all the kind of stuff I will never do.

Yes, I’m now ready to start reading novels on a regular basis. Now that I don’t watch CNN 20 hours a week, I should be able to get that done. Send me your recommendations if you have them. However, if you send me something lame, I will hold it against you.

To the woman at Price Chopper

To the woman in front of me at Price Chopper:

Congratulations! You’re friends with the checker! Awesome! Unfortunately, the rest of us don’t invest the time to develop lifelong friendships with grocery store clerks. Pay your total and let us get on with our lives.

I would thank you for paying with cash, but a decrepit old woman could’ve written 15 checks in the time it’s taking you to count out your one dollars bills, stalling so you can shoot shit with the checker some more.

Thank God. You’re finally paying. I hope I never see you again.

Whoops, it looks like you dropped one of your dollar bills. But you’re scurrying out of Price Chopper so you won’t miss your appointment to waste time for consumers at another location. You’re out the door. Out of my vocal range. I’ll just go ahead and put the dollar up here on the checkout stand and – damn, the old man sacker just took it and is running after you.

So, you got your dollar back. But beware. Karma will find you. If the universe works as it should, the next time you try to befriend a clerk, you’ll be greeted with a cold, disinterested stare.

Bush’s War

I just finished watching the PBS documentary “Bush’s War.”  You can watch it online here.

I’ll go ahead and doubt you’ll watch a four-and-a-half hour documentary on your computer.  I’ll give you a brief summation instead.

A couple of idiots (mostly Cheney and Rumsfeld with a sprinkle of Bush, Tenet and Wolfowitz) got us into a war we had no business being in.  Those same idiots somehow got dumber and laid out a war plan even my one-year-old nephew would raise an eyebrow at.

There are so many forehead-slapping moments in how we’ve handled ourselves since 9/11.  When you see five years of mistakes condensed in less than five hours, you see the government of a people blind to the realities of the world.

We’ve got serious work to do.  USA!

Obama’s my man.  McCain might be alright, but he scares me.  Hillary is somehow finding a way to convince more people that she’s an evil bitch.  I didn’t see that coming.

George Lucas and the Iraq Fiasco

They were supposed to greet us as liberators.  They were supposed to throw flowers at us.  They were supposed to be dancing in the street to Martha and the Vandellas.

It didn’t happen.  Where did our predictions go wrong?  I have a theory: It’s George Lucas’ fault.

Bush and Cheney simply have to be Star Wars fans.  They’d both seen the simple Ewok Celebration after the Rebels defeated the Emperor in Return of the Jedi.  Then, George Lucas had to go and depict an over the top, Galaxy-wide, planet-by-planet celebration in the 1997 re-release.  This pushed the Bush Administration over the edge.

We don’t see a single planet or city decay into chaos when their evil dictator falls.  Bush and Cheney see this scene and figure “If an entire Galaxy not only avoids chaos, but also has well-choreographed celebrations and fireworks, one country in the Middle East will surely do the same.”

Unfortunately, “Yub nub” doesn’t translate in Arabic.  Damn you Ewoks!


You’re safe with Sinbad

Busted by Sinbad (see here) and numerous news reports, Hillary Clinton’s campaign now says she misspoke when she shared this blatant lie exaggeration about her trip to Bosnia:

“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

What she meant to say was “Sinbad makes me laugh.”

Innovating diarrhea into grilled chicken

KFC plans to offer grilled chicken on its menu.

“This is transformational for our brand,” said Doug Hasselo, KFC’s chief food innovation officer.

Haha.  “Chief Food Innovation Officer” at KFC has to be one of the best job titles ever.  “Assistant to the Chief Food Innovation Officer” is the only thing that could top it.  I’m guessing this is his first “innovation” that won’t result in diarrhea for thousands of Americans each day.

The Spitzer Porno gets worse

Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer might have lost his job thanks to a tipoff to the Feds from a political strategist.

Check out this juicy excerpt:

“Governor Spitzer did not remove his midcalf-length black socks during the sex act.  Perhaps you can use this detail to corroborate Mr. Stone’s information.”

There was always a chance that some of Spitzer’s sick sexual fetishes might leak out, but I never thought the sick bastard would keep his socks on “during the sex act.”  What is Spitzer hiding under his black socks? Long, yellowed toenails?  Webfeet?  Tattoos of the names of all the cats he’s smothered?

I have a feeling this is just the beginning of a way-too-detailed look into the dark soul of a very disturbed man.

Psychopathic Purell users

I made the dreaded trip to Price Chopper to stock up on groceries today.

While the woman in front of me was taking her time writing her out of town check and trying to get cash back, I had plenty of time to browse the impulse buys.  Among them were bottles of Purell for your keychain.


You have to be a psychopath to need Purell for your keychain.

It’s acceptable for a woman to have a bottle in her purse, but bulking up your keychain with hand sanitizer is a sure way to make sure everyone knows how truly disturbed you are.

Don’t have a purse?  You’re probably a man.  You aren’t allowed to be seen with hand sanitizer at all, so flaunting it on your keychain will surely win you a beating.

Need further proof of Purell’s link to psychopaths?  Hillary Clinton uses it.

“My two secrets to staying healthy: wash your hands all the time. And, if you can’t, use Purell or one of the sanitizers. And the other is hot peppers. I eat a lot of hot peppers. I for some reason started doing that in 1992, and I swear by it.”

A bottle of Purell has saved Hillary at many debates as she sanitizes after a wet, fiery, hot-peppery deuce during commercial breaks.

Goodbye cable news

I’ve come to the realization that I’ve wasted entirely too much of my life watching cable news.

Each cable network has a carousel of about 20 pundits screaming over each other in a desperate attempt to spin viewers one way or the other. I think I’m grown up enough at this point to (gasp) read the news and make my own decisions on what it all means.

I will no longer watch this crap. The only time I’m allowed to watch CNN is for live events, such as debates and the brilliant speech Barack Obama gave today about race in America (video here).

Goodbye, Wolf Blitzer’s beard and weird vocal delivery.

Goodbye, Chris Matthews and the constant mass of spit we can all hear gathering in your mouth as you speak. Your laugh is awful, too.

Goodbye, Pat Buchanan and your whiny-ass squeal.

Goodbye, Bill O’Reilly. You suck. You’re untalented, uninformed and just wrong in general. You are terrible medicine for everyone who watches you. I hate you. Actually, I haven’t watched you in ages, but I couldn’t leave you out.

Goodbye, cable news. I will miss your terrible news judgment, immature takes, cheesy graphics, frightening music and giant touchscreen computers. Most of all, I will miss the two minutes of news in each hour of programming.

Piss and poo candy

I went to Tanner’s in Waldo Saturday night.

They have a candy machine in the restroom.  It’s filled with unwrapped candy.  I guess Tanner’s wants to guarantee you get fecal matter and piss all over your candy.

The only delicacy you’re allowed to purchase in the restroom is a Strawberry-Banana flavored condom.


Flavor is clearly the best lube

Eliot Spitzer Night

Check out the Macon Music’s “Eliot Spitzer Night.”

1. The Music have extended an invitation for former New York Governor Spitzer to be on hand and throw out the first pitch

2. The team will give away a New York Vacation including a one night stay at the MayFlower Hotel

3. Client #9 (or fan #9) will receive a free Music prize pack

4. Any fan with the name Eliot, Spitzer, or “Kristen” along with any fan from New York will receive $1 off admission

5. The Music will play Frank Sinatra music throughout the evening in honor of New York

6. Wire Taps will be placed throughout the ballpark this evening

7. ATMs will be available for cash withdrawals not to exceed $5,000 per hour

8. Any fan who has resigned their position will be given $1 off admission

9. The 871st fan will receive a gift certificate for the Macon Music Team store.

Pretty good stuff.  I have one suggestion: Free admission for any humiliated wife who comes to the game.


Mrs. Spitzer won’t be going down tonight

What up with oil?

I try not to get too educational, so I apologize in advance. I watch a lot of news and read a lot of news, so I might as well try to make it worthwhile.

Oil is $110 a barrel. That’s a lot.

Why did this happen? There are zero supply side concerns. How did we hit record oil this week? It’s all about how much our dollar is worth compared to the currency of other countries.

Our dollar is in the tank. The government is printing money to pay for never-ending war, lower interest rates and our precious tax rebates.

To us, this money just magically appears. To other countries, we’re just issuing more physical dollars that represent the same total wealth of our nation. You can’t take poker chips out of your pocket at a poker game and expect everyone to be cool with it. Your poker chips are now worth less. Oil costs more as a result.

That sucks.

But the good news is that prices for other products and services haven’t changed too much yet. This brings foreigners in for the cheapest American vacation they will ever get. All of their money is worth more if they spend it in America. This makes other countries order more of our shiite, and makes us buy less of theirs. As this real money comes in, our true wealth increases, and the dollars we printed will magically have value.

As long as we don’t do anything really stupid (hello Iran!), the economy will fix itself.

Sorry for being boring.

Bill Moyers’ awful lullaby

I can no longer recommend listening to Bill Moyers Journal to fall asleep.

I always try to listen to something fairly unexciting when I go to bed.  Last night, I turned to my trusty Bill Moyers Podcast.

Bill featured conservative televangelist/John McCain-endorser John Hagee.  Bill played clips of this clown preaching about how we need to attack Iran so that Russia attacks Israel so that Jesus will make his return and lay a serious smackdown on the invaders of Zion.

Believe it or not, this wasn’t easy to fall asleep to.

Why, Eliot? Why?

Everyone’s asking the same question: “Why did Eliot Spitzer nail a hooker?”

We point to Clinton and Lewinsky, Jim McGreevy and some dude, Larry Craig and the toilet people, and say “Why do they do it? Why do these male politicians keep banging people other than their wives? Surely they would’ve learned from others’ mistakes, right?”

I agree. Who would’ve ever guessed that a bunch of power-hungry dudes accustomed to figuratively getting blown by people they barely know would actually appreciate getting literally blown by people they barely know?

It takes special men to gain power in the highest levels of government. If you’re surprised that these same men look for any hole to screw, you’re a far greater optimist than I.