To maintain perspective, I keep Fox News among my news sources. While 90 percent of Fox’s reporting is fairly harmless, the 10 percent that remains reaches absurdity.
Look at a Google News Search for “homicide bomber.” You’ll see Fox is the only legit (?) news operation relying on this term.
The idea is that “homicide bomber” puts the focus on the murderous aspect of these events, as if the American public would assume a “suicide bomber” simply finds blowing themselves to bits to be the best approach to suicide, no homicide intended.
“Honey, did you hear about the suicide bombing?”
“No. Thank God no one else was hurt.”
The first time I saw “homicide bomber” on Fox News’ website, I assumed I would be reading about someone who planted a bomb and lived to tell about it. Not so much. It turns out, someone decided killing a few people was worth committing suicide.
Does Fox really think this kind of mini-propaganda influences enough feeble-minded viewers to justify the mass confusion of those with a functioning brain?
I got my journalism degree at KU so I could dissect this for you. Stay in school, kids.