
Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Why not give yourself the gift of care and attention? Once you do, you’ll see why no one else wants to.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Happiness is a state of mind. It’s not dictated by outward circumstances or an outward belly button.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Everyone always expects you to stick with the tried-and-true, but you have more tricks up your sleeve than they realize. Isn’t it great having smelly armpits?

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Free your mind of its limits and constraints. You’ll be delighted by the concepts that come up. When you’re talking about them with other people, use friendly similes — you’ll find they’ll grasp the essentials quicker better than when you use your “something smells” face.

Stooks Proverb: What you don’t know, can’t hurt you. That’s why you should continue to keep your tail a secret.


Anna Nicole’s nanny says Anna Nicole underfed her Dannielynn so her baby would be “sexy.” Just as long as she didn’t violate her TRIMSPA contract by giving the baby Slimfast, I’m cool.

One of Anna Nicole’s doctor friends prescribed Methadone to Anna Nicole through a false name while she was eight months pregnant. If I find out he’s behind the Worcester sauce in her fridge, I’m going f’n ballistic.

The courts have decided to release Anna Nicole’s body, but they don’t know who her legal next of kin is. David Gest?

“If I could get aroused in the company of human women, I could be the baby daddy.”

Howard K. Stern can’t leave the Bahamas with the baby until the legal situation gets cleaned up. For some reason, they think it will be safer for the baby to stay in the Bahamas with Howard.

Michael Richards had no comment for paparazzi asking for his thoughts on Anna Nicole Smith. If she were black, however…

Michael Jackson went on a toy shopping spree with his kids in Vegas. Instead of masks, they wore face paint. I’m not joking.

Lindsay Lohan is working again. No word just yet on her liver.

Girls Gone Wild has a new clothing line. Did they just cut out the middle man and put two holes on the front of the shirts?

Heather Mills McCartney kicked a photographer in the ass with her wooden leg, while filming all the action. I guess even she gets the hilarity in it.

I can’t wait to get my spring loaded Heather Mills action-kick doll.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Slow and steady does the trick. In fact, it gets you to the top of the mountain. Whew! Yet after all that effort, you’re not even winded. Barry Bonds sure hooked you up. Unfortunately, he didn’t give you the ability to explain away the now-watermelon-like object sitting on your neck.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

An unusual idea about your home occurs to you. This will either revolutionize your life or make things much more confusing — possibly both at the same time. That’s what happens when you install a hidden camera in your bathroom before you host a total sausage fest.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Ever been signed up for an annoying magazine subscription? Luckily, you can always cancel it. But you can’t always hunt down and punish the clown who tricked you into buying it at your front door.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Biting off more than you can chew is sure to give you a stomachache. That and more in Mike Tyson’s new book: The Art of Cannibalism.

Stooks Proverb: Two heads are better than one. Actually, two-headed people usually have a rough time of it. Don’t envy them.


Anna Nicole is involved in a new custody suit: the one for her body. Her mom wants to bury Anna Nicole, but two court orders prevent her body from getting out of the fridge.

One of Anna Nicole’s bodyguards says he could be the baby daddy. At this point, don’t you need to have some kind of serious crotch rot to be in contention as the father?

A TRIMSPA executive says Anna Nicole would be in trouble for having Slim-Fast in her refrigerator, if it weren’t for the fact that she’s dead. They’ll probably keep their bitching to a minimum.

Isaac Cohen is adding to rumors that Britney and him dated to make K-Fed jealous. I guess a new boyfriend is the next step to making an ex jealous, just after putting your vagina in every paper he flips through for the pictures.

Rumors place Michael Jackson as a guest and mentor for a week on American Idol. Aren’t those kids a little too old to be working with Michael?

The least freaky Olson twin is responsible for the least freaky Olson twin photo in the last year, and it’s still a bit odd. She’s doing some kind of weird exercise routine.

“Coulier taught me this move.”

Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie did an advertising shoot together at a jewelry store in Beverly Hills Monday. It’s not clear how many hours it took to decontaminate the store after their departure.

Ivanka Trump is sick of comparisons to Paris Hilton. Ivanka says she works hard for her money, including 13-hour days. Paris just needs 10 minutes and an ever-decreasing amount of KY.

Vince Vaughn attended Jennifer Aniston’s 38th birthday party. Was he looking to inspect her new nose before passing on her again?

For some reason, Diddy was yelling at Naomi Campbell at a Grammy party. Even more shocking: she didn’t throw a Blackberry at him.

TurboTax has hired Vanilla Ice to promote their software. When K-Fed’s too expensive, there’s always Vanilla Ice.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

If anyone knows how to go the distance, it’s you. People marvel at your stamina, and it’s true — right now you feel like you could go on forever. Just don’t forget the Fire Sauce. You tend to do that when inebriated.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

The little details have a way of piling up. One by one, they’re not so bad, but when they clump up, they can throw a real monkey wrench into your plans. Maybe you should start flushing the toilet at least once every three trips.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Put your people skills to work. When it comes to talking to higher-ups, you know how to get the truth across in the most effective way: nude hand puppets.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Be your own personal entourage. Act as your own manager, agent and press person. If you get out there, you can truly make a difference. This will be especially convenient taking into account your complete lack of friends.

Stooks Proverb: Teachers open the doors, but you must enter them yourself. Unless the teacher is Paris Hilton. Then, you should enter with your friend Trojan.


Howard K. Stern may be getting $1 million for his interview with Entertainment Tonight.

Police in the Bahamas reinterviewed Stern Monday morning about the death of Anna Nicole’s son.

Nothing like dying to get people working on your legal problems. A newspaper in the Bahamas published these photos of Anna Nicole and the Bahamas’ immigration minister.

Britney Spears partied so hard she puked all over her car this weekend. Should’ve gone with the soft tacos.

Paris BFF Kim Kardashian may have had her sex tape partner tossed out of pre-Grammy party she hosted.

John Mayer’s hands victimized Jessica Simpson’s various PG bodyparts at the Grammys.

“Watch out for the fangs, Jess!”

Diddy had to have uncloseted Grey’s Anatomy star T.R. Knight and a couple castmates removed from his V.I.P. area Friday night. You could blame Diddy’s homophobia if it weren’t for Diddy having no clue who he was.

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown had dinner together Sunday night. Monday, she went to the doctor because she fell into a door.

Tara Reid doesn’t want anything to do with Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis after he said she’s terrible in bed. Or maybe it’s because he turns his camera off when she flashes for a T-Shirt.

Hulk Hogan’s wife says their daughter Brooke will be taking over Paris Hilton’s spot as queen of the night life in Hollywood. Will she be taking over the Pharmacy Queen title too?


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Sometimes, quitting while you’re ahead is actually the best thing you can do to ensure your future progress. In other words, quit “Rock, Paper, Scissors” the second you’re up.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Working hard or hardly working? Actually, while others think you’re having fun, you’re actually working. Your brain functions better when your heart and soul are in the enviable state known as flow, unlike your friend Sarah’s notoriously unenviable state of flow.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Have you ever stood too close to a painting or a photograph? Here you thought you were looking at a drop of rain, but when you back up, you realize it’s the entire ocean. Take that perspective on your life now. Warning: it’s a little tough to walk with your eyes in “Magic Eye” mode.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

There’s nothing you love more than rooting for the underdog. You’re even happier when you see a way to help them get to the top of the heap. Do you have that many kidney punches in you?

Stooks Proverb: Bad news travels fast, failing to explain the spread of the Anna Nicole Smith news.


Inside Anna Nicole’s Refrigerator of Death: Slimfast, yogurt and methadone. I guess we can rule out “spoiled methadone” as a cause of death.

Recent plastic surgery may have killed her, instead. Queen of Anna Nicole Knowledge Rita Cosby says Anna Nicole had her boobs redone.

Howard K. Stern is mourning, but happy to take cash for interviews, if you’ve got it.

Anna Nicole’s baby daddy could be Howard, Larry Birkhead, Zsa Zsa Gabor’s husband or even her old dead husband, thanks to frozen sperm.

“One down. One to go, Daniellynn.”

Good luck getting a hotel where Anna Nicole died. They’ve locked it down to ensure this story gets us much unnecessary attention as possible.

Rosie O’Donnell can get press when she doesn’t even try. She bashed Anna Nicole on The View just hours before she died.

The head of Cartoon Network resigned thanks to a bunch of morons scared of Lite Brights.

Thank God Anna Nicole’s death hasn’t stopped Paris Hilton from shopping. Are those bags filled with Valtrex, Paris?

Lindsay Lohan’s mom says Lindsay is happy in rehab. Maybe it’s all the drinking.

Human Rights First says more torture is happening in Iraq, and it’s all because Jack Bauer makes it look cool. Nice.

Kevin Costner will be a father all over again. Then he’ll shoot a crappy movie.

“Norbit,” starring multiple Eddie Murphys, was the number one movie this weekend. Only heartless sons-of-bitches would see a movie after Anna Nicole’s untimely demise. No surprise they chose this one.

Stooksoscope for Friday

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The how and why of your behavior is a constantly evolving mystery. It seems like the more you delve into your psyche, the more layers and secrets you find. That’s all part of the fun, until you find the layer with your grandma’s inappropriate touching. Surely she knew how granny skin degrades Playdough.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Business is practically your middle name. Just be happy it isn’t Nouvel.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You need to have a balance between rules and freedom, structure and inspiration. The stars say to check in with yourself regularly to make sure you haven’t had too much of one and not enough of the other in your life. The stars also recommend checking into the walk-in clinic for that rash.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Remember that if you start out by seeing only limitation, that’s very likely what you’ll receive. It’s time to give yourself room to grow and expand. Ask Rosie where she buys her clothes.

Stooks Proverb: Don’t cross the bridge until you get to it. Don’t throw bodies off it until you get the “all clear” from your lookouts.


Anna Nicole Smith collapsed and died at the Hardrock Motel in Florida. Nothing makes you feel bad about making fun of and/or suing someone than them dying on you. She was 39.

No hard feelings between Britney Spears and male model Isaac Cohen. Now they’re saying he ended the relationship because their schedules never line up.

Britney’s not wasting time, having been linked to JC Chasez and whoever’s hand is in this picture. And she’s not a lesbian.

“Just getting my butthole flossed, that’s all.”

Britney Spears and Paris Hilton both canceled appearances at Fashion Week to avoid running into each other. Paris is sick of asking for her Valtrex back.

Nicole Richie told Paris she’s scared of going to jail for her second DUI arrest. Paris told her everything was going to be fine. Then Paris took steel wool to her own vagina.

You won’t see Paris BFF Kim Kardashian get peed on after all. The porn company says that scene won’t be in the release.

Justin Timberlake has started performing his “Dick in a Box” routine on stage.

Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow were caught hanging out at one of their favorite restaurants.

Jessica Simpson’s new brown hair made it easy for her to go unnoticed by cameras the other night. Or maybe they realized she was Jessica Simpson and no longer worth wasting film on.

Stooksoscope for Thursday

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Honesty is definitely the best policy in this situation. Expect some bewildered looks as you explain why you felt the need to run through Aggieville wearing only a liberal amount of brownie batter.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Your surface is bright and sparkly, but underneath there are some cigarette burns on your interior.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Sometimes staying stuck can feel safer than making a change, even when you know the change would be better for you. Just noticing that is a good start. Real movement often starts slowly. You’ll be a circus clown assistant before you know it.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

A once-in-a-lifetime connection is possible — if you open up. That may be tough today, as you’re feeling a little more vulnerable than usual. Go slowly and remember that there’s a divine lesson in all of this: you can’t dig up Wilford Brimley’s grave until he’s dead.

Stooks Proverb: There’s more than one way to skin a cat. But if you want to make clothing out of it, consult J. Lo.


Miss USA returned to work for Donald Trump Tuesday. She’s modeling for his new catering company. She won’t comment on the Donald-Rosie feud, but you have to imagine Rosie is steamed about Trump moving in on her territory: food.

Check out Britney’s new hat.

“I can guard something Russian now, right?”

Britney was partying with former Timberlake ‘N Sync partner JC Chasez, and had the DJ stop a Justin Timberlake song and start something different. Snap.

She may be testing JC, as she’s no longer together with Isaac Cohen. He broke up with her on the phone, and says she was a “bit much” for his liking. Or was he speaking of the black hole between her legs?

You’ll be able to see Paris Hilton BFF Kim Kardashian in all her urinal glory after all. Porn company Vivid has bought and will release “Kim Kardashian Superstar.” It’ll be like Jesus Christ Superstar except no singing, no Jesus and more body parts.

President Bush Senior had lunch with Teri Hatcher Tuesday. He even snuck in a kiss on the cheek and a little pat on the ass. Bill Clinton just went soft.

While filming in Detroit, Daniel Baldwin says a warrant for his arrest “isn’t true.” Lying piece of paper.

Tori Spelling gave Tupperware and the Kama Sutra Weekender Kit to guests at her baby shower. For those times when you need fresh bodily fluid souvenirs from the bedroom, Tupperware and the Kama Sutra Weekender Kit are there.

Weird-face girl from American Idol was arrested in August for pouring sugar in her ex-boyfriend’s gas tank.


Paula Abdul was supposed to star in her own reality show. Paula killed the show because she couldn’t have editorial control. I just can’t imagine what Paula would want to censor from the public.

I just noticed Reba’s been on for ten minutes while I’ve been writing this. I’m off to the therapist.

Stooksoscope for Wednesday

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Striking up a conversation is like playing music with someone: you have to allow yourself to get into the rhythm. Sure, there’ll be some fits and starts, but hang in there. After a while, you two will find your groove. Although, onlookers might think you’re a bit off for gyrating during a conversation about Scrabble strategies.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You’re interested in esoteric and intellectual matters, so it’s time to seek out like-minded, stimulating company. New people bring you new realizations, especially when it comes to the larger questions in life, like “Why are pit stains frowned upon?”

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

A key conversation could go off the rails unless you exercise the right touch. One hint: it’s not a Tune-in Tokyo, also known as a Purple Nurple.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Every problem contains the seeds for its own solution. Clear your mental, emotional and psychic space and you’ll see very soon how this situation can turn out for the best. Try meditation, yoga or attacking a Louie Anderson piñata. Or just attack Louie himself, as he is also filled with candy.

Stooks Proverb: Barking dogs seldom bite, but their white trash owners usually do. Luckily, they’re not all that toothy.


Anna Nicole and TRIMSPA are being sued. TRIMSPA for being bogus. Anna Nicole for pitching it and making it look like you could totally catch a buzz using it.

Mike Tyson is at the same rehab facility as Lindsay Lohan. She’s still the worse resident, somehow.

Tom Cruise has been talking to Ben Stiller about doing “The Hardy Men” together. After their done with that, maybe they could try doing a movie about grownup versions of “The Hardy Boys.”

Paris Hilton will be at the upscale Vienna’s Opera Ball next week. After leaving, a new STD strain known as Paris Opera Ball will emerge.

Scarlet Johannson and Justin Timberlake spent the weekend partying at the Super Bowl. Justin’s spent the days since applying ointment.

O.J. Simpson says there were some inaccuracies in “how I would have done things” in his unreleased book, “If I Did It.” I would start with the word “If.”

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA shared a runway this weekend. No word whether they shared each others’ runways again.

Kevin Federline looks far less annoying when he hangs out with Steve-O.

“You go knock that chick up, and I’ll staple my sack to my leg.”

There’s a warrant out for Daniel Baldwin. He failed to appear for car theft charges and behavior unbecoming a Baldwin.

Cuba Gooding Jr. has dropped the N-word twice in the last two weeks. Racist. If he weren’t black, I’d say he was just like Michael Richards.

Who knew astronauts had such a soap opera-like flair for the dramatic? One female astronaut, who was in space a year ago, stalked another female astronaut over some Navy Commander. She even sprayed some mace into the woman’s car. Astronaut cat fight. Nice.

Stooksoscope for Tuesday

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

An odd duck just needs you to make way for them so they can feel at home. You’re just the ambassador who can translate his or her strangeness for the people. Not everyone will know that this person fanning their armpits is a sign of endearment.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

If you’re in the vicinity, a good time is pretty much guaranteed. You’re so delightful — is it any wonder that people just want to be where you are? You’re especially good at getting shy types to join in on the fun. Remember: non-toxic glue won’t work.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Is someone hovering over your shoulder, questioning every statement you make and action you take? Is that someone actually yourself? They have medicine and psych clinics for that.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You’ve got a million people to talk to, and you’re not sure which one to call first. Take a breath. Then, get a pen and paper and make a list of priorities, or a paper airplane.

Stooks Proverb: The journey is the reward. The syphilis is the side effect.


Britney Spears spent the weekend at Fashion Week, observing…not vagina flashing.

They didn’t catch her drinking, but found Lindsay Lohan barhopping with Paris Hilton this weekend.

I’m not sure why we needed confirmation on this, but Ron Jeremy says he did indeed show his schlong to Paris Hilton.

An Israeli-Palestinian peace group is trying to get Rosie and Trump to come to their gala to put their differences behind them. Or at least build a fence.

Katie Holmes was caught wearing Granny panties.

Jennifer Aniston’s nose job is now being explained away as a fix for a deviated septum. But what will fix her deviated heart?

Kiefer Sutherland admits he is friends with Andy Dick. Move over, Miss USA!

Jessica Simpson as the designated driver sounds pretty frightening.

By the way, it looks like Jessica is set to ruin Christina Aguilera with her friendship.

And Jessica was a little hurt when Nick started dating within three weeks of their breakup.

Chris Tucker’s making $25 million for Rush Hour 3. That’s annoying to me.

Stooksoscope for Monday

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Hmmm. Why do you keep running into you-know-who? Taking it nice and easy helps you see how a new person can fit into your life. Time to un-retire your Pog collection.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

The stars go out of their way to make sure the channels of communication are crystal clear. So go ahead and talk. It’s easy to tell your nearest and dearest what’s in your heart right now: KFC.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

It’s time for more hugs, more kisses, more friendly, flirty conversation — you’ve got so much fantastic social energy in your astrological sphere, it would be a crime to keep it at home. What are you waiting for? Oh, that’s right. The sores.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The decision-making process got you a little down? Getting other people’s opinions seems like it would be helpful, but the white noise might just confuse you. And your stench might affect their decision.

Stooks Proverb: True love never grows old. It just gets high plastic surgery bills.


Britney Spears has been wearing her boyfriend’s Star of David necklace, leading some to speculate on a conversion to Judaism. She likes the word “kosher.”

Kevin Federline demanded a room upgrade in Miami for the Super Bowl. He said his hotel room wasn’t big enough for all his women. He would also need an industrial strength air pump for all his women.

Kevin even got to go to Lebron James’ Super Bowl party. No word on if he brought queso or reefer.

K-Fed’s friends say Britney’s been calling Kevin, trying to get back together with him. Kevin’s friends also say Kevin is the most popular rapper in the country. They are also high.

Katie Holmes says she loves calling Tom Cruise her husband. She also likes being locked in a room 23 hours a day.

Justin Timberlake will host the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards at the end of March. Maybe he’ll perform and rip the crotch out of Spongebob’s square pants.

Paris’ current BFF, Kim Kardashian, admits the existence of a sex tape. However, she says it won’t be released. It features her and Brandy’s brother, who doesn’t go around slamming his car into people.

Meanwhile, a judge has blocked, a website that’s somehow managed to find even more slutty information on Paris, including medical records.

Tupperware through Tori Spelling’s baby shower. I’m as confused as you.

David Spade and Heather Locklear aren’t together anymore. But it’ll be years before his taint wears off Heather Locklear.

Stooksoscope for Friday

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

There’s no need to ask where the party is — the party is wherever you are. Unfortunately, no one ever attends.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

A few tasks have fallen by the wayside while you’ve been concentrating on more important matters: body hair sculpting.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Live life on the flip side. Have your fun during the day. During the night, your brainpower is at its sharpest and can tackle the toughest intellectual tasks, like your 200 piece Snuffleupagus puzzle.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You’re like a well-oiled machine or a thoroughbred horse. You smell.

Stooks Proverb: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Put some against the side of your 7th grade gym teacher’s house.


Michael Jackson’s kids were walking around without masks in Vegas yesterday. Seems like the right place to do it.

Miss USA won’t be posing for Playboy. They can probably PhotoShop her various body parts together for something similar, though.

Rather than wear something reasonable, Britney Spears cups her nips to hide them from cameras.

“Could someone stop that baby from crying?”

Taco Bell wants Kevin Federline to come work for an hour in one of its stores. Everyone who comes will get free food. Last year, Kevin said his kids would have to work for Taco Bell one day, regardless of how rich they are. Oddly, Kevin may have to work there because of how rich he is.

Courtney Love will not be on American Idol in any way. One of her vomit piles was scheduled to make an appearance during the Seattle tapings, but ended up on the cutting room floor.

Lindsay Lohan has opted out of a movie role so she can focus on taking frequent breaks from rehab.

I don’t think Bob Saget looks like that proud of a TV Father in this picture.

“Love that Joker!”