Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Kevin Federline says if you hate on him, it just motivates him and then you better watch out!

Bob Barker's retiring from The Price is Right. He'll do his last show in June. Unbelievable stat: he's been doing the show for 35 years and he only had one real public run-in with a "beauty" on the show. That's impressive.

The head of Paramount says Tom Cruise became an embarassment for the studio. and that everyone hates him. "He just didn't turn one [woman] off. He turned off all women, and a lot of men." Wow.

The Hilton Sisters are such an act. They showed up at a club for some Halloween event (it seems Paris has been celebrating Halloween since September). Paris got up and danced and lip synched to her own song, while her little entourage was dancing around her in some celebratory manner. The normal people at the club said "Jesus Christ."

Uh oh, Tara Reid is partying again. I can already see it. Two years from now. Tara Reid on The View talking about parts of her anatomy resembling rotten roast beef.

In case you haven't been grossed out by Sharon Stone for awhile, she's now dating former NBA player Rick Fox. Get Kim Cattrall in there, and oil prices will spike to new record highs.

Axl Rose was bowling at Lucky Strike in South Beach. He got either visually and/or verbally annoyed when someone bought a Guns 'N' Roses song on the jukebox.

Angela Lansbury is doing a broadway play, called "Deuce." There are at least 12 jokes that could send me to Hell on this one. Like, maybe "Deuce" is about the first time Angela Lansbury's character had to have her diaper changed and ass cleaned as an adult in a nursing home.


It's Halloween, so we asked, what frightens you?

Segment 1 - Clowns and midgets (2:25).

Segment 2 - Cubicles (0:45).

Segment 3 - Pez and midgets revisited (2:00).

Segment 4 - Public restrooms (1:47).
New fear, anyone?

DeMone the Demon called to warn us about his intentions this Halloween (2:08).

Stooksoscope for Tuesday

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Dreams? Intuition? This is unlike you -- but the strangest thing of all is that you're actually enjoying this softer side of your personality. Use it! Accessing a different kind of intelligence only makes you stronger, and it may help you figure out how to defrost your freezer.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

You're an expert when it comes to gab, small talk, chitchat -- whatever you want to call it. Just remember that a judicious silence can say more than all the eloquent words in the world. Learn to hold your peace. Unless it’s a debate on who’s the better garbage man. Then you can’t sit back and take all the MC Hammer-bashing.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Feeling scattered? That can be remedied with some organization. Unless you’re scattered because The Terminator froze you and shot you, then you have no choice but to stay scattered. You’re no T-1000.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Well, hey there, dreamweaver! Whatever gets you through the night is just fine. Remember, however, that what you perceive is not necessarily reality. That isn’t horse blood on your hands.

Stooks Proverb: Look after number one. And since it’s Halloween, look out for a flaming bag of number two on your porch. If Mangino's the culprit, be prepared for a full-on blaze from a grocery bag.

Monday, October 30, 2006


It's Halloween, which means Kevin Federline's new CD is out. Here's one troubling review giving it a thumbs up. It may not matter, though. He's already canceling tour dates because of poor ticket sales. Maybe if he did bong hits right on stage he could turn things around.

Witnesses say Nicole Richie collapsed at a popular Hollywood night club this weekend. Shouldn't she be working out her "nutrition" issues in rehab instead of displaying them in public?

Busted! Katie Holmes shooting the breeze with former Tom Cruise nemesis Brooke Shields. Maybe Brooke slipped Katie some of the good stuff to help her forget her life with Tom.

"Yup, here's the little brat that started it all..."

You haven't met the real Paris Hilton: "With my real friends, you know, I talk normal. But with some people I don’t know, I just do it because I don’t want to give them my real self and I really don’t trust them." Sure. In the meantime, we already told you about the bunny outfit she purchased for Halloween. Not sure if it beats the slut cop outfit she wore the other night.

"Don't make me use my cuffs on you."

Whitney Houston is working on her comeback album. I guess it's easier to sing when Bobby Brown's fist isn't in your mouth.

In other altered celebrity news: Courtney Love has been clean for one year. How does she function as a sober person? Seriously?

That bitch! Instead of donating money she promised to an existing charity in Cambodia, Angelina Jolie has set up her own, independent charity there.

Creepy: Michael Jackson is returning to the World Music Awards, where some first witnessed his relationship with a boy that ended in a $20 million settlement in 1993.

The Sidewalk Pickup

Photoshop Adam and I witnessed a couple d-bags trying to pick up a couple drunk chicks on the sidewalk, while the guys were in the car. Real classy. We discussed.

Segment 1 (2:03).
Segment 2 (0:49).

This weekend, Chris' team won the World Series.

I've always been suspicious of Chris' complete lack of emotion on most things.

So, I turned to the hidden microphone to try to bust him (4:16).

Stooksoscope for Monday

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Your magnetic personality gains an extra dose of cool glamor, but it's definitely accompanies by a touch-me-not air. People might wonder what's going on with you, but you just need a little space right now. And some hand sanitizer. And a dedicated handkerchief for opening doors.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Your natural charm greases the wheels. So does the natural grease that develops from under your, well, you know.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Friends -- where would we be without them? Friendless. So, basically like the youngest kid from Home Improvement who ended up being three feet taller than his older brothers on the show, then turned goth, moved to Lawrence and got married.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The stars send a surplus of mental energy your way. Your mind is sharper than a box of tacks. But your personality is as dull as Jeffrey Dahmer’s favorite knife.

Stooks Proverb: The early bird catches the worm. The promiscuous bird catches the bird flu.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


For the first time in forever, Michael Jackson is making a public appearance. He'll accept an achievement award at the World Music Awards in London. Sadly for Michael, I can't seem to think of any prepubescent male artists he could prey on there. Speaking of Michael, some random British woman says she's the real baby mama of his three kids. Huh?

"Mmmmmm. Chuck E. Cheese's. They have the best small childr...I mean, pizza."

Paris Hilton ignored questions about Nicole Richie's rehab. Maybe she had food in her mouth. We do know that Paris bought a bunny outfit for Halloween. You know what they say about rabbits and sex. Can't she just go as herself?

Jennifer and Vince Vaughn had a romantic weekend together for the first time in 60 days. It didn't end with the adoption of any foreign children. I think it's an act.

Want to bleed out of your ears before everyone else? Then you should check out AOL's exclusive access to every track on Kevin Federline's CD.

I guess Oprah wasn't enough to trick the world into liking Madonna again. She's booked appearances on Today, Dateline and Regis. If Regis can't help her, no one can.

It must suck to be a photographer. Kirstie Alley flipped off a paparazzi. Shouldn't she just be happy to fit in the frame again?

"Like my body? Fine! F You!"

Simon Cowell is releasing a fragrance. Isn't Seacrest all over him enough already? In other gay Idol news: Clay Aiken will perform on some Christmas episodes of former Stooks in the Morning staple Days of Our Lives. I just setup my season pass for Days again, so lay off my ass about getting it back on the show. This was the last straw in bringing it back.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Free for All

Good calls today, everyone. Thanks. Here are the clips.

Police ticket quota/Creepy archery teacher (4:15).

"Practice! We talking 'bout practice!"/Political ads (3:51).

"Recess is for violence" (1:26).

PC Halloween (4:01).

Spanking other peoples' kids (4:20).

No men in Salina/Hansel returns (1:57).

Sperm in the Salina water (0:42).

Spank it, or serve dinner on it. Your choice.

Stooksoscope for Friday

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You're able to accomplish something tremendous. You suddenly have the insight to realize that you're in this for a marathon, not a sprint. Luckily, you’ve got the cankles for the job.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

You're feeling quiet and serious. It's a great time to draw up plans for the future. Stick close to home -- that's your anchor and the place where you're best able to explore any new concepts that are coming up. And it’s the place where the public is least likely to encounter your stench.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Your determination makes even the most far-fetched plans seem feasible; and that, combined with your unbeatable work ethic right now, makes you hard to stop. But beware: eating that many eggs will have consequences.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Peak productivity is within your reach. The stars urge you to buckle down, get serious and, above all, tackle at least one of those projects that you had vowed to finish many, many weeks ago. You can do it! Just make sure you have someone to stand guard while you’re huffing.

Stooks Proverb: Don’t drink your tea with a fork. Unless you plan on eating the tea cup, also known as “pulling a Mangino.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Nicole Richie's in treatment, and working with a team who specializes in "nutrition." Or, as the rest of us call it, "eating." They say it's not for an eating disorder, but it is to find out why she can't gain weight. Shucks, that is a mystery!

"I need to get Geppetto on the Blacberry to see if he can turn me into a real boy again."

Larry Birkhead has filed a fraud suit against Anna Nicole and her creepy-lawyer-kindof husband. It is the first step to forcing a paternity test in the Bahamas, since Anna Nicole doesn't plan on coming back to the States anytime soon. Anna Nicole's response: "like my body?"

Chevy Chase's appearance on Law & Order airs Friday night. He plays a Mel Gibson-like character. Mel blames the Jews for the terrible casting.

You can buy Britney Spears' autographed Vespa (read: Moped) for charity. Isn't that more of a Federline vehicle? Speaking of Federline, Britney sent out a mass email (you know you got it) saying "it's your last chance to pre-order Kevin's CD." I guess you'll just have to burn friend's copy. Literally. Set it on fire. And if you don't like Kevin's music? He says "go ahead and hate me."

Tara Reid had an awkward appearance on The View Thursday while trying to frighten more people about her messed-up boobs. She took a piece of paper and said "say this is a piece of paper," to which Joy said "That is a piece of paper, Tara."

Listen to Tara's explanation of what her areolas looked like.

And hear her "piece of paper" masterpiece.

To keep himself, and his costars of "Babel" entertained, Brad Pitt gave himself wedgies and waddled around like a duck. I think he just got a whole new group of people fantasizing about him.

Women are easy on Halloween?

I was invited to a Halloween party, declined the invite, and then got scolded for not knowing how important going to Halloween parties is as "women are easy on Halloween."

We discussed.

Segment 1 - It's just easier to see the sluts (2:35).
Segment 2 - The KKK Connection (1:11).
Segment 3 - Double standard (3:33).

"Well, it seems to work for the ladies..."

Stooksoscope for Thursday

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

A little fire in your belly helps you attack a new task with vim and vigor. It’s time to eat those Fire Sauce packets you’ve been hoarding from Taco Bell.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Being smart is one thing, but you've got the ability to transcend mere intelligence. You absorb information and make connections that seem obvious once you point them out. Your grasp of “Connect the Dots” is unmatched.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You're wildly exuberant and then you've got your nose to the grindstone. And if your name is Kate Moss, you’ve probably got a white powdery substance and a razor blade to the grindstone, too.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pull your head out of the clouds and think about the future. This may not be the most comfortable mental place for you, but it's required. Go ahead and be as abstract as necessary. What is it that you want from your life? Comfort? Style? It’s time to decide. What kind of cardboard box will you be living in?

Stooks Proverb: The last straw breaks the camel’s back. So stop wasting time with straws, the first Mangino breaks the camel’s back, too.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Madonna wasn't that much of a blubbering idiot on Wednesday's Oprah, and it helped that O is on her side. But now, hopefully trying to keep things funny, Ricky Martin is giving is support to Madonna's adoption. To frighten even more people, he's even threatening to adopt.

Dr. Burke from Grey's Anatomy publicly apologized for being a moron with the biggest star of the show.

Naomi Campbell is still beating the hell out of people. This time, her victim was her drug counselor, who ended up with scratches all over her face.

David Hasselhoff's divorce drama is still in full swing, this time with allegations saying she used coke. She has to be on something to let the world's embodiment of a true man slip away.

In case you weren't frightened enough of Tara Reid's breasts, she's now comparing her areolas to goose eggs.

"Let's see if I can get you to puke."

It's being played off as a joke, but some think Kelly Ripa and Katie Couric are mortal enemies. She said Katie avoids her at media functions and will even move around name cards so she won't have to sit near Kelly. Regis envy for sure.

Lance Bass' boyfriend says he's been getting threats for being gay. Amazingly, they're for the time he spent in the military, not for robbing millions of mentally defective teenage girls of their man.

The Chris Casey Birthday Spectacular

If you noticed, we were in clip show mode yesterday because I was at the Kansas Association of Broadcasters Convention.

Hear about my journey and why I appreciate working here more today than I did before the event.

The convention was at the Prairie Band Casino in Topeka.

One of our listeners let us know why cell phones don't work at the casino.

Now onto Chris' birthday celebration.

We talked about what we want to do as old people.

Long distance listener Shua calls in to wish Chris a happy birthday...naked.

The Banker from Deal or No Deal calls in with a birthday wish of his own.

"For the last time grandma, you're not Mona!"

Stooksoscope for Wednesday

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

You have leadership abilities that you haven't even tapped yet. Add to that a sense of optimism that draws even more people to you. This is perfect, because you've been in the mood to lead a movement. Rise ant children! Rise!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Consider yourself blessed. With that winning attitude in place, you shouldn't be surprised when adverse circumstances turn out to be immensely favorable. Believe in yourself and aid will come from a mighty force: Louie Anderson’s lower intestine.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Coordination is the key to making all the elements in your life come together. Give yourself some room to make a few mistakes. It may take a little practice at first, but you'll soon have the rhythm. Then, no one will stand in the way of your wiffle ball dominance.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Sometimes that restless feeling can't be explained away intellectually or rationally -- you just have to learn to accept it for what it is. Long walks or another physical endeavor can help you process it. But nothing will make Gary Busey’s lack of career options go away.

Stooks Proverb: Love will find a way. Even if Mangino’s in the way, love will still take the 50 mile detour around his perimeter.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have officially announced a wedding date of Saturday, November 18th in Italy. Hopefully they will stay there.

TMZ got a copy of the birth certificate for the latest Federline: Jayden James. And it is a boy. And they think Britney will shove him in everyone's face just in time for Federline's CD release on Halloween. Frightening enough for me. By the way, Federline made his second straight appearance on WWE's Monday Night Raw this week. This time, he bitch-slapped the guy who bodyslammed him last week. I think someone has a backup career.

Madonna filmed an appearance that will air on Wednesday's Oprah. I've got my TiVo set, and I expect Madonna to be quite annoying. I'll share the audio with you.

I don't know if this was reported in time to be brought up on Oprah, but there's some controversy about the orphanage she's building in Africa. The Kaballah Centre is providing the curriculum for the school. It's about time Kaballah got back into the "which is creepier: Kaballah or Scientology?" fight.

Some rich guy Anna Nicole Smith was sleeping with says Anna tried to tell him she was pregnant with his baby. He told her that's impossible, since he had a vasectomy. Now, he says she confessed that poor dude Larry Birkhead was the real father. Why hasn't Maury been called yet?

Paris Hilton was smooching on two dudes and working the strip pole pretty hard the other night. When will she just give it up and just throw her legs up in surrender to the line of men she'll inevitably sleep with anyway?

The Enquirer says Joy Behar wants Barbara Walters to fire both Rosie and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. She hates Elisabeth's conservative views, and Rosie's takeover of the show. Plus Rosie overthrew Joy for "stinkiest farter."

Cindy Crawford is auctioning off a makeover and "hang out with Cindy at some modeling event" on eBay for a man and a woman to help raise money for Locks of Love, a highly underrated way to help young cancer patients suffering from hair loss. I count on Chris making a mole reference to this story on tomorrow's show.

I usually stay away from politics on the show, but if you're sick of all the far-right and far-left crap out there, I highly recommend Chris Matthews on MSNBC. His little quirks are a bonus. And on the latest show, I was treated to an onscreen belch. Check it out.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Dumb fights

I saw a couple fighting in the Target parking lot Saturday night. Since Target is a happy place, I figured it must've been over something stupid.

Stooksoscope for Monday

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You're magnetic -- truly, a creature of irresistible mystery. Get set to dazzle the next person who crosses your path. They'll stay dazzled! And they’ll even tell their friends! Holding a dead squirrel in your mouth is no easy feat.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Trying to read someone's mind? Stop before you start losing your own. The truth is you'll never know exactly what this person was thinking when they said that. Sometimes the phrase “doodoo head” has nothing to do with that accident you had in the Johnny on the Spot.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Your sign is deeply misunderstood. Sure, you're dangerous -- but only when provoked. Make sure to give a certain party one or two warning signs. Showing off your pit stains should do the job.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

You're holding onto something very tightly because you know deep in your heart that it's yours. What about loosening that grasp? Not only will you get some breathing space, but you'll also get a longer lifespan out of your TMX Elmo.

Stooks Proverb: The eyes are the window to the soul. You might want to think about closing the blinds to keep that creep with the binoculars from getting too good a look...especially with that fat naked guy walking around your soul.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Tax fraud master Wesley Snipes has been found in Namibia, birthplace of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt. He's filming a movie there. Ouch. How bad of a movie could that be if it took them this long to realise he's there shooting it?

Keith Urban's going back to rehab. Not for coke this time, but for alcohol. He says Nicole was at his side when he entered treatment. If they both were in a "rehab lineup," wouldn't you pick Nicole as most likely?

"My eyes! My eyes!"

Anna Nicole Smith's lawyer says Anna Nicole won't be submitting a paternity test for her ex in California. In fact, she plans on never leaving the Bahamas. "I don't think she's going to run his life according to his wishes," her lawyer said. I think she's going to run her life according to vodka and Prozac's wishes.

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline never admitted their latest son's name was Sutton Pierce. In fact, Jayden James may be the kid's name. Kevin's mom calls him Jayden. But God knows what her brain cells are like with K-Fed as her son.

Speaking of Brit, she's been spotted on the town again. She was partying in Vegas the other night, without Kevin, throwing back Jack and Cokes. Trying to get to the third pregnancy, Brit?

Isaiah Washington may have had run-ins on the sets of TV shows before "Grey's Anatomy."
In '97 he had an altercation with a crew member on "High Incident," where he was a guest star. Police were called for that one. Then, in 2000, instead of a subtle kiss, he rape-kissed an actress on Showtime's "Soul Food."

Madonna's assistant just bought a bunch of baby clothes for Madonna: for a boy and a girl! OMG! Meanwhile, the guy who was just praising the heavens for Madonna adopting his son, is now taking it back. He says he was tricked into thinking Madonna and Guy would be like the orphanage was for his son, just less poor.

Janet Jackson's boyfriend, Jermaine Dupri had an awkward exit from Virgin Records Friday. Rumors say Janet's pathetic new CD, produced by Jermaine, was a big reason why. He tried to "let a nip slip" to save his job, but it didn't quite work.

Jessica Simpson prefers a holistic healer over a doctor. Where's George Michael?

You can buy a night out in Vegas with Dennis Rodman on eBay. As of Sunday, there are no bids, and a starting price of $7500. Doesn't he know the going rate of a highly diseased male prostitute in Vegas?

Not really celebrity news, but I'm excited about news that "Fraggle Rock" is going to become a movie.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Free for All Friday

Segment 1 - No respect for linemen/Take it to Maury (1:59)

Segment 2 - What's wrong with men/The High Lady on football (4:17)

Segment 3 - I need a psychic/A psychic calls with bad news (3:19)

Segment 4 - Men problems (4:46)

Segment 5 - Is that Snagglepuss? (3:37)

Stooksoscope for Friday


Are you secretly holding onto an old longing? Be careful -- if you let it sit inside you unvoiced, you could start to feel resentful. Emotions like those can start to fester, just like that Taco Bell bean burrito that fell behind your couch two months ago.


There's a part of you that loves chaos -- the more ideas, places and people floating around, the better. No, that’s not an excuse to drown your mailman in the bathtub. You’re the one that let your subscription to High Times lapse, not him.


Relating to another person and creating solid partnerships is key to your sense of happiness. It's time to look at the partnerships you already have and be thankful. Then look at the ones that need a little more help. Your neglect of Teddy Ruxpin has gone too far.


The stars say that it's time to get the teeter-tottering movement of your emotional state under control. Just because you feel like going to extremes inwardly doesn't mean that your outer life has to reflect that. Lose the handlebar moustache, already.

Stooks Proverb: Opportunity seldom knocks twice. But when it does, it usually comes back, all methed-up with a rusty knife.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Anna Nicole's non-boyfriend potential baby daddy has a creepy website up as a tribute to the baby he says is his. All the baby has to do now is get old enough to read, write and understand symbolism and she'll understand his true love. It looks like Anna isn't in any hurry to get back to the States for a paternity test.

Mary-Kate's been spotted smooching on Ashley's boyfriend. It was just a peck on the cheeck, but in the Full House world, that's like dropping a Screech-like move.

Yesterday, word broke that Burke from Grey's Anatomy said "I'm not your little faggot like (name withheld)." I wonder if this is related: today, the guy who plays George came out of the closet. Classy.

Kazakhstan has been criticising Sasha Baron Cohen for his Kazakh character "Borat," even convincing movie theaters there to ban his movie. Now, they want him to visit. I would probably decline that invite.

Paris Hilton's been trying to avoid the screening of "Pledge This," her latest movie. It's supposed to be awful, and she wants to have as little to do with its promotion as possible. She doesn't want to hurt her acting career by being associated with the flop. Uh, Paris, I think Hollywood has IMDB, too.

Haley Joel Osment made a plea deal for his DUI/pot possession case. The only reason I bring this up is because the story reveals that Haley was driving a 1995 Saturn. Nice.

Remember how rare everyone said stingray attacks were after the Crocodile Hunter died? Some 81-year-old dude had one leap into his boat in Florida, that went on to sting him in the heart. So far, he's still alive.

Okay, there's a little more to the $3.5 million deal O.J.'s getting for a tell-all book about the murders. It's written from the perspective of "If I killed them, this is what would've occurred." That's messed up.

The hanging boog

We talked about one of the more sensitive issues facing America today: what do you do when you're talking to someone who has a boog hanging?

Segment 1 (4:21)
Segment 2 (3:55)

"Poor, poor 'Pick It.' All those bacteria-infested arms up his nostrils aren't helping his snot problem."

In other show activity...

A Harry Potter fan is excited about the plausibility of an 'invisibility cloak.' (2:03)

Another edition of "Have you ever wondered?" (0:32)

John Stossel Pick

This week's John Stossel Pick: Kathy Griffin and Andy Dick are the same person. Five stashes.

Stooksoscope for Thursday


A little modesty adds an intriguing element to your usual self-confidence. Others are intrigued by this humble side of you, but they mostly think your megaphone simply broke.


It's time for you to take it to the limit. In the process, you might discover that those so-called limits are really just self-perceived limitations. Give yourself permission to try all kinds of things. You’ll show Screech who the real Sultan of Scat is!


You can't be considered a sore loser if you remember the most important lesson from this endeavor. Take responsibility for all your actions. Well, all your actions except the time you urinated on that bum in the alley.


Other people need to make a lot of bluster to feel like they have a place in this world. You, on the other hand, are so secure that you can afford to be subtle, discreet and quiet. And since you can’t grow a Hitler stash anyway, you’ll have to impress Mel Gibson with your drunken ramblings.

Stooks Proverb: Never do things by halves. Except for Mangino. Always do him in halves.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


You could have Kevin Federline at your next party for just $15 thousand. You just have to let him promote his CD. And have a fully stocked pantry of Cheetos.

Inventor: The "Sunglass in the Wife Beater" look

Shocking news: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' wedding plans have changed. They'll get married next month in Italy, but not at George Clooney's place. I knew he wasn't freakish enough to let Tom Cruise use his home.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie have finally been spotted in England. Madonna went to her pilates session. Guy went on a bike ride. Their new baby boy got to spend some more time without them. Maybe she isn't such a bad parent, after all. The tabloids say she's looking into getting a girl next.

It looks like Eddie Murphy is going to be a new baby daddy, too! He and Scary Spice are expecting. Who would've thought simply getting knocked up by Eddie Murphy could get someone other than Posh in the press.

Omarosa has new boobs. She's talking about it publicly to "avoid speculation." I don't know how much speculating you really need to do, though:

"Let's see Mr. Trump fire me now!"

Random: Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey are really close friends. With his lung capacity, you'd think Lance would upset Matthew by smoking all his pot in one draw.

The Enquirer says O.J. is getting $3.5 million to describe how he killed his ex and her lover "blow by blow." Why do I get the feeling "then I watched Naked Gun 33 1/3" will be in the book?

Also from The Enquirer: Isaiah Washington may lose his job as Dr. Burke on Grey's Anatomy for what he said before choking Patrick Dempsey on the set: "I'm not your little faggot like (name withheld)." Gay bashing and attacking the male lead on the set don't usually guarantee job security.

Sharon Osbourne is having her gastric bypass surgery undone and turning to psychotherapy instead to control her eating. That poor psychiatrist.

No Paris Hilton or Lohan story? WTF?!

Video: Matt Stooks' campaign

Here's our latest video. Thanks to Photoshop Adam for the video/artwork.

Can I get your email?

Askmen.com is encouraging its readers to ask for a girl's email address instead of her phone number.

We discussed.

Segment 1 - featuring the High Lady (5:02)
Segment 2 (0:30)
Segment 3 (2:16)
Segment 4 (4:34)
Segment 5 (4:39)

In other show activity...

One of our listeners has done some research on the porn industry (3:57).

We check the Stooks voicemail (1:43).

Stooksoscope for Wednesday


Education takes you even further than you thought it would. So the topic is unusual -- after all, if you want to learn about ant farming practices, why shouldn't you? It could come in handy in an unexpected manner: making your boss do the “ants in my pants” dance.


Giving back to the Earth is a good thing. Tell that to the police the next time they question you as you pop a squat in the woods.


A need for solitude gets turned up a notch. Just make sure you let the people in your life know that this is a temporary thing. If they know you well, they should be used to your pension for sitting in the closet surrounded by your My Little Pony collection.


A barrage of self-criticism takes you off guard. Who is this inner critic, and why on earth is he speaking so loudly right now? It seems you’ve been possessed by the soul of Gene Siskel again.

Stooks Proverb: Dog does not eat dog. Unless it crashes in the mountains and some greedy person already ate all the chocolate.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Behind the scenes: The Old Couple

Stooks plays the old woman. Chris plays Harold, her husband. They call in about the passing of the metrosexual trend.


Britney Spears has started a contest to see who can sell the most copies of Kevin Federline's CD, which comes out Halloween. First place gets to party with Britney and Kevin at the CD release party. Second place gets a pair of his old tennis shoes. Third place gets a spent joint with Kevin Federline's DNA on it.

Madonna's newly stolen baby has arrived in England. Madonna and Guy Ritchie will bless the baby with their presence in "the next few days." That's when they'll get sick of playing with their TMX Elmo and start playing with their new toy. Madonna has found time, however, to tell everyone she followed the law in adopting the kid.

Anna Nicole busted on film popping pills! Twelve years ago. She must've killed her son!

Fittingly, Justin Timberlake will headline CBS' Victoria's Secret Gala in December. Maybe they'll test his strength with some kind of new "unbreakable" bra.

There's a warrant out for Wesley Snipes' arrest. The feds say he defrauded the tax system. Plus, "Blade: Trinity" was really lame.

Finally, Joan Rivers is speaking out about Mel Gibson. "He's an anti-Semitic son of a bitch." Mel's response? "Good one. She's been dead for at least a dozen years."

The first person to ever decompose while still alive

Ashlee Simpson has found someone new to ruin: Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas. They left a restaurant in London together. They were even holding hands! Hopefully none of Ashlee's suck rubbed off on Fergie.

The Metrosexual and his flip flops

Here's an odd article I ran across on the demise of the metrosexual and why men shouldn't wear flip flops.

We discussed.

Segment 1 (2:27)
Segment 2 (1:47)
Segment 3 (2:23)
Segment 4 (4:52) Featuring the old couple

One Carson Kressley agrees: "Stooks in the Morning blows! I wish!"

In other show activity...

Stooks in the Morning reporter Frank Nareola live in Aggieville at 6:30 a.m. as the U.S. population count officially reaches 300 million (4:13).

The population counter forced Chris and I to recognize our own mortality (2:20).

Here's the link to the population counter if you want to watch the numbers head toward 400 million. You might be watching for awhile.

Stooksoscope for Tuesday


You're a big believer in the true, humble virtues of hard work and impressive results. Now, however, you could use a little glitz to further your cause. Show everyone just what a player you can be. No, I didn’t say “go piggin’.”


What happens when you give a little spark plenty of air? Well, it turns into a great, big roaring flame. Use it to burn Peter Gallagher’s eyebrows into something decent.


The stars give you a much needed center to operate from, especially when it comes to making decisions. Sometimes you can get stuck on being fair. Now it's time to start throwing above the waist in kickball.


Give voice to your concerns in a creative way. Whatever is on your mind can be turned into art if you find the correct outlet. Just beware of that serial mime killer who’s been running rampant.

Stooks Proverb: Live and learn. Then get Luvs. Then soil them. Then place it in your neighbor’s mailbox. They’ll be shocked in two weeks when they come back from Europe.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Rosie O'Donnell may be in talks to get her own F/X show, a spinoff based on her appearance on Nip/Tuck. She played a poor woman who won the lottery then pays Julian McMahon's character $400 thousand to have sex with her. I saw the episode. I haven't seen anything since.

Kevin Federline taped an appearance for WWE's Monday Night Raw program. Too bad wrestling is fake.

"Be careful with the hat, bro."

Jennifer Aniston's Oprah appearance aired today. As People said earlier, she's not through with Vince Vaughn. She also says her boobs got bigger not because of a boob job, but because that's where she put on weight. Why would you lose that weight in the first place, then? Also, Vince Vaughn is reportedly suing three newspapers for reporting a makeout session with some random woman.

Lindsay Lohan got served, literally, while she was on the red carpet at an awards show the other night. They don't know what she got subpoenaed for, but at least she wasn't served on the dance floor by Paris again.

"Is this for being a firecrotch again?"

Speaking of which, she was seen the other day, dining with the guy who called her a firecrotch. Maybe she was showing off her wax job so he wouldn't call her a firecrotch again.

Bobby Brown just got caught up on his child support, paying $11 thousand. Anyone else suspect crack dealings?

Ashton Kutcher won't let Demi Moore see President Clinton again. I guess Bill was a little flirtatious with her at some dinner party. The Enquirer says it led to the biggest fight of their relationship. Just because Bill can out-manwhore you Ashton, don't be a player hater.

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker madeout in public the other day. Doesn't it look like she's missing his face?

"God I love encircling this lipmole with my tongue!"

It looks like Madonna beat the human rights groups and successfully stole a child from Malawi. It was such a loving scene as the child boarded a plane with Madonna's bodyguard.

The Bad Tip

My friend Chris got a discussion going on his blog involving a two percent tip for bad service at Buffalo Wild Wings in Kansas City.

We asked our listeners, how low is too low for a bad tip? And if the waitress is pregnant, does she deserve a break?

Segment 1 (5:38)
Segment 2 (5:37)
Segment 3 - The High Lady (8:05)
Segment 4 - The High Lady "Don't call out Denny's!' (1:56)

Tight pink undies as a skirt = 50 percent tip

In other show activity...

"Gnomes," the movie (3:15).

Stooksoscope for Monday


Sometimes you can get so attracted by the glitter that you edge dangerously close to going over the top. Take a step back -- or better yet, ask a good friend for their perspective on the matter. The temporary tattoo of Bob Saget on your left butt check might be a bit much.


Sometimes you need to make inner changes to see outer results; other times, it's the exact opposite. Now is a moment where making concrete changes revitalizes your inner landscape for the better. Laying off the chili-cheese dogs might help your innards, too.


Someone seems intent on rubbing you the wrong way. The library just isn’t that place for that.


You're always on the go, but the stars strongly recommend you put on the brakes. Your mind, body and soul need some time to recuperate. Gather your forces so you're ready for the next required round of effort: a game of Uno at Sue Ellen’s.

Stooks Proverb: Barking dogs seldom bite. Unless you give them a cupcake or something.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


This is the third story about Angelina Jolie's bodyguards getting a bit too intense in India. A photographer says one of the hired Indian security guards punched him and then pulled a gun on him. He was also verbally abused.

Tara Reid is talking about her deformed boobs a lot lately. She also says "Taradise," the reality show that followed her partying, ruined her career. But I'm thinking it was the "maybe I can score with Tara Reid if I cast her" mentality was the reason she had a career in the first place. So now that she resembles a "safety first with your deli slicer" poster, that's not so much the case anymore.

"Survey says: Freddy Krueger."

Michael Jackson's spokesperson says he hasn't been to St. Tropez, France in years. So there's no way pictures of him in women's clothing could be him. And since he wasn't treating a 12-year-old like a sock puppet, I know it wasn't him.

Katie Holmes parents are threatening to boycott her wedding if all she's going to do is have a pretend wedding with the Scientologists.

Scroll down the same article, and you'll find out about Britney Spears plans to get back in prime shape for Federline's record release on Halloween. And if she can't get back to her old self, she can always just say she's going as white trash for Halloween.

Madonna has a new children's book coming out October 24th. Some believe that may be her motive for trying to adopt a kid from Malawi, rather than a simple desire to ruin an impoverished kid's life. In the meantime, some human rights groups are going to try to stop the adoption Monday in court.

Jennifer Aniston bought a $15 million home in Beverly Hills. That house better come with Luke Perry for that price.

Bill Murray partied with some students in Scotland. He even helped was some dishes. That's cool as hell. I don't think he does the panty drop as good as Paris, though, so I doubt anything too scandalous happened.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

DeMone the Demon Video

We thought it might be cool to post the video of one of our character bits so you can see how we execute it.

This was more of a trial run, we need to move some stuff around in the studio so you can see what my hands are doing (tee hee).

We plan to get the old man/woman routine on here, as it's even more fun to watch.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Free for All Friday...The 13TH!!!

First off, scroll down to check out our first video production if you haven't seen it yet. We plan on doing some more, and if you click on the "YouTube" button in the right column you can find all of our videos in the future.

Now, to the Free for All.

DeMone the Demon called in because of Friday the 13th (1:43).

One listener calls John Walsh out. Walsh brings it (1:36).

A woman calls about Nascar. I pretend to care/know what I'm talking about (1:41).

A caller says she hates Betty Boxdale, a key component of our show (3:46).

Underage drinking in Lawrence (1:26).

A woman turned on by her own car (3:26).

Cheating cops (3:31).

Stooksoscope for Friday


Mistakes were made. Hey, it happens. Sometimes people speak without thinking. That's what happens when you're a human being. Poop in your pants happens when you’re old and a human being, too.


Focus on the present, especially if you're dealing with a disagreement with a loved one. Bringing up the past will only create more hurt and can muddy the waters even further. Be big about this and think about the long term: you wouldn’t want your joint “men’s 50 and over” softball card collection to be jeopardized, would you?


You feel more grounded when you're at home these days. If you want to socialize, why not invite a few very close chums over so you can congregate around a board game? While you’re chumming it up, be sure to compare your rotting teeth.


Mother yourself right now. Just because you're normally a go-go-go type doesn't mean you can't enjoy some slow-slow-slow. Put on a fluffy bathrobe, grab a good book, and beat your mailman over the head with it.

Stooks Proverb: A stitch in time saves nine. But Mangino can sit on all nine at once. A lot of surface area on that ass.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Mel Gibson says tequila made him act the way he did when he got a DUI. Am I the only person who wants to take a nap after tequila? By the way, the police searched the house of the deputy who busted Mel. They think he was the one who leaked the arrest report to the press.

Lindsay Lohan was leaving Paris Hilton's house when she ran into some photographers. They took some photos. Then, realised they got her nips on film.

"Two! Two nipples! Aw! Aw! Aw! (think the Sesame Street Count)"

Paris Hilton says a text message she sent to Nicole Richie started their reconciliation. Who would've know "69 2nite" was such a powerful phrase?

Jennifer Aniston just filmed an appearance on Oprah. People Magazine says she told O her and Vince are still together. I think she just said it so Oprah wouldn't lez out on her.

Kevin Federline is forbidding Britney Spears from using male dancers in her videos. If one d-bag dancer could steal her heart, what would stop another? By the way, K-Fed was on CSI, which I'm watching as I write this. Press the play button to hear his interaction with a cop on the scene of a crime. Man, I'm glad I kept watching. Here's an even better clip.

Grey's Anatomy's Patrick Dempsey and Isaiah Washington have made up after their little cat fight. Now let's get them a reality show.

Alec Baldwin tried to talk his way past a police barricade after that small aircraft accidentally flew into that apartment building in New York yesterday. Like most things Alec does, it didn't work.

"My brother was in Backdraft. That pratically makes me Chief of Police!"

Hasselhoff's wife says the Hoff only claimed a $60,000 income for the past year, yet somehow paid for $100,000 a month in credit card bills. Can you blame him for lying? Those pecks don't wax themselves.

Madonna adopted a 1-year-old boy from Malawi, after all. Amazingly, he already spoke his first words! "Uh. I'd rather stay here, thank you."

Angelina Jolie's driver hit a motorcycle while trying to get away from photographers. No one was hurt. She even read a book in the car while she waited for the police to show up.

Our first video production

Directed by: Chris Casey
Written by: Chris Casey and Matt Stooks
Art by: Photoshop Adam

I can whore, but my man can't!

One of the most honest calls we've ever received, got one of the biggest responses from our listeners we've ever experienced.

Listen to this woman explain why she should be allowed to sleep with as many men as she wants to, but her "main man" better not even think about sleeping around.

Now, listen to the reaction calls.

Segment 1 (6:09)
Segment 2 (3:03)
Segment 3 (5:49)
Segment 4 (9:14)
Segment 5 (2:32)

In other, more comical show activity...

Another dude trying to get a hold of Swap Shop.

Stooksoscope for Thursday

You just want to curl up into a ball. Go for it. Just don’t do it at the top of a hill. Someone may “human bowling ball” you.

Anything worth having in your life is worth protecting. If someone encroaches on your territory, your instinct may be to bob and weave with some verbal wit. But don't. Take a moment to really absorb what happened. And if you’re wearing clothing made of Bounty, then you’ll have no choice.

Are you longing for the pleasures of home? Hey -- you can't relive the past, and any attempts to do so could end up being more trouble than they're worth. It’s too hard to find a good Delorean these days.

A sharp sideways move is more helpful than barreling into a situation head-on. Observe the proceedings before you enter the fray. A little strategy will pay off. Now you can make the minimum effort with maximum impact. Especially if Mangino falls down near you.

Stooks Proverb: What goes around, comes around. Think about that when you’re making fun of the guy in the mailroom. You wouldn’t want him eating Rice Crispie Treats out of a crudely fashioned bowl made out of your skull. Would you?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Anna Nicole's other lawyer (not the one she kind of married) has quit working for her. He said he had some disagreements with the lawyer she married over "strategies." For example, who's penis to put in Anna Nicole.

Two of the guys from "Grey's Anatomy" got into a little bit of a tussle on the set. The guy who isn't McDreamy was up for the McDreamy role during casting, but lost out to Patrick Dempsey. He gets up in Dempsey's face, says some "disgusting things" and may have even given him a little choke hold. Maybe it was a little jealousy, or maybe they just felt Paris Hilton was hogging all the good cat fight stories.

At least he got the technicolored skull cap.

Speaking of Paris and her cat fights, she may have dumped Travis Barker after her punched face made headlines. It's "not what she needs in her life right now." I'm not sure if she means the drama or the whole only sitting on it with only one dude thing.

Shanna Moakler, the girl involved in the fight, says she wants to put it behind her. Thinking it was a challenge, Paris says she wants to put "it" behind and in front at the same time.

Mario Lopez may be diddling his partner on "Dancing with the Stars." How piggish, right Jessie Spano?

Now performing a Waltz to "Oh, Artie Boy," it's Mario Lopez!

Nicole Richie, Lohan and Mischa were all at some karaoke bar the other night. They sang "Girls just want to be sluts." Sorry.

Busted! Jessica Simpson caught with short and long hair on the same day! Extensions. Maybe her dad has some weird scalping fetish now.

One of Tom Cruise's rubber stunt guns from "Mission Impossible" has ended up on eBay. Make sure you wash all the crazy off before using.

ABC is bringing back the original "Extreme Makeover" (think "The Swan") to Friday nights. Let the flubber fly!

Rage out! (My bizness)

I'm not sure if it's the season change or everything else, but I've been pretty pissy the last couple of days.

I've noticed a lot of people on edge. So we decided to channel the rage into something productive: today's show! Instead of raging out on some innocent bystander, we encouraged our listeners to let it all out on the show.

Segment 1 - Smoothies/College (4:28).
Segment 2 - Divorce/The police live in my house (3:51).
Segment 3 - Raging on Stooks/Ferbie Rage (4:24).
Segment 4 - Advice from Stooks' #1 stalker (3:36).

"Damn split ends!"

In other show activity...

The old, moaning, possibly German woman crashes her car again (1:34).

Stooksoscope for Wednesday


Your quick wit steps in and saves the day. Quips, repartee and rejoinders are all on your mental menu. And Mangino’s hungry.


Communication is key to making sure events go smoothly on this day. Making a to-do list will help you get everything accomplished in good time. Just make sure “take your semi-weekly bath” is at the top of the list.


Expand your understanding of the outside world. Pick up some foreign newspapers. Ask the smartest person you know to explain a difficult concept. Your brain will be grateful once it figures out hopscotch.


You've been sitting in a chair too long. Feel the rhythm! The stars want you to put on your boogie shoes and cut loose. Take a dance class, jump some rope or just put on some music and shake what your mama gave you: epilepsy.

Stooks Proverb: One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Unless he lives in Massachusetts.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


In Mel Gibson's interview with Diane Sawyer, he says his anti-Semitic remarks were "just the stupid rambling of a drunkard." His doesn't normally slur so much when he slurs. The interview is on Thursday and Friday's Good Morning America.

Scarlett Johansson gets tested for STDs twice a year. I think she's confusing her sex life with Paris Hilton's.

Speaking of Paris, her reunion with Nicole Richie means a fifth season of "Simple Life." God I hate that show. Just the fact that people watch it bothers me.

"With the combined I.Q. of a toenail in need of Lamisil..."

Paris also says she will file a restraining order against Shanna Moakler, the girl Stavros Niarchos threw down some stairs after throwing a drink on her. Paris says Nacho just threw the drink in response to Shanna punching Paris in the face. Shanna must've "fallen" down the stairs, then.

Jessica Simpson's basically confirmed she's with John Mayer, by saying her relationship with him is "private." She's also saying that she's going to be in a movie with Luke Wilson, so the tabloids will probably say she's dating him, too. So, the tabloids called a "source" close to Luke, who said "Luke Wilson will never do a movie with Jessica Simpson."

Quentin Tarantino is dating some hot, mystery Asian woman. She was spotted licking his fingers while he ate sliders at some party. That is filthy.

Ellen and Portia de Rossi will get married in June, according to The Enquirer. Ellen has to be great in the sack to pull this relationship off.

Jerry Springer's daughter thinks he should run for President. I tend to agree.

Dr. Phil shoots some episodes at a regular house, in a regular neighborhood. But the regular neighborhood doesn't like the crack addicts and racists Phil puts in there, so now production at the house has been shut down.

Paula Abdul has been named the 2007 Nevada Ballet Theater's "Woman of the Year." I guess being drunk for an hour and a half on TV each week is one of the requirements.

Some guy bought the rights to BindiIrwin.com, named after the Crocodile Hunter's daughter. He said it was going to be a tribute site. But it ended up having a whole bunch of anti-Israel web links. Luckily, a family member was able to get control of the site and fix it.

Bob Saget returns to TV this Friday in the Deal or No Deal spinoff "1 vs. 100." I hope they let him work in some of his great character voices from the AFHV days.

Pay Per View

Since no one wants to broadcast it on their own dollar, K-State is putting this weekend's game against Nebraska on Pay-Per-View for $3o.

Like boxing, we think their should be some preliminary showing. We asked our listeners to get creative.

Segment 1 - Midget clowns, Jell-O and naked bull rides (2:51).
Segment 2 - Midget running of the bulls (2:49).

Midget clowns are funny...unless possessed.

Stooksoscope for Tuesday


Someone says something that strikes a nerve -- but you're determined not to show that it got to you. Hey, you're human -- go ahead and reveal the effects. That way it won't turn into resentment, just a nasty rash to horrify your family and friends.


Why not give yourself a break and let life do the work? Rather than planning and micromanaging every aspect of your existence, learn to deal with what happens in the here and now -- and, better yet, enjoy it. While you’re at it, buy a new recliner for all your ‘sitting there’ needs.


Start off the day in a leisurely, sensual fashion. Enjoy your body and the environment. But if your boss catches you sucking your own toes again, there’s gonna be trouble.


What do French fries, bad pop music and a trashy book have in common? They're all fun and nutritionally worthless. They’re also in Mark Mangino’s belly button at the moment.

Stooks Proverb: Why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free? If you want to ride it.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie are a duo again! They were spotted eating together in public! Wait, that couldn't have been Nicole Richie.

By the way, the Enquirer thinks it has a photo of Paris Hilton's pot in her purse.

Couldn't possibly be Photoshopped...

Katie Couric manages to do worse and worse in the ratings every week she's on the air. Time to start removing clothes.

Ellen is buying a house near Oprah's. I think she's trying to be gay with Oprah and Gayle King.

Speaking of which...After his breakup with Jennifer, Vince Vaughn has been spotted in London with Kevin Spacey!

CBS is going to start putting clips from some of its shows on YouTube, which just got bought by Google for $1.65 million. Can I finally get some Mike Wallace snuff films up in here?

It seems like just a week or two ago we were talking about Ruben Studdard going into a weight loss program. Now, he's lost 100 pounds. He's also a vegetarian now. Cows everywhere breathe a sigh of relief.

Did Anna Nicole Smith pay $10,000 for her citizenship in the Bahamas? I didn't even know they had citizens there.

Paraphrased Jessica Simpson: "At least I kind of had a career for awhile."

Tim Allen just got married. She's also an actor. They were in "Zoom" together earlier this year. By the way, a "Santa Claus 3" is coming out to keep Timmy in booze and marriage.

Loser/Columbus Day

I didn't go out at all Saturday night, and ended up going to Walmart at 7:30 Sunday morning to buy a Nintendo DS. By the way, I'm quite satisfied with the purchase.

One of our callers had an impulse buy of her own she wanted to share.

Today's Columbus Day. We talked a couple of times about how much of a worthless holiday it is.

Both times, we got angry responses.

This caller simply yells at us for our lack of appreciation for the holiday.

This caller tries to persuade us with a song he wrote about Columbus Day.

"Next time I sail the ocean blue, I won't forget the Rolaids."

It's been awhile since the High Lady sang at us.

She's back with a new song.

Stooksoscope for Monday


Your inner haggler comes out and runs the show for the day. But who wouldn’t penny-pinch when it comes to buying one of those bracelets that comes in those little dome things out of those little machines. They really drive a hard bargain.


Make love the foundation for your entire life. Start at home, and then see how you can expand your definition of love and care to all the areas of your existence. Surround yourself in mirrors, that’ll ensure the love flows freely.


Your mental scales are tipping wildly as you keep piling more evidence on one side and then the other. Plant your feet and think about what you want the end result to be instead of worrying about making things equal. Now go ahead and move the Cubans back to the cellar.


Are you so tired of gritting your teeth over this matter that you're willing to butt heads instead? Fine -- a little healthy confrontation is good for the soul. And you’re knife feels lonesome right now, anyway.

Stooks Proverb: Let bygones be bygones. And let Busey be Busey.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Jessica Simpson and John Mayer hanging out at a hotel bar together? Then, they disappeared into an elevator? You don't suppose they did anything naughty, do you? I think so. I bet the poor person who got into the elevator after them had to stop at every floor on the way down!

"Ouch" on Jessica Simpson's movie with Dane Cook, by the way. "Employee of the Month" got just more than $10 million for its opening weekend. It was beaten by "The Departed," the new "Texas Chainsaw" movie and "Open Season."

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are making news while Brad films a movie in India. They took a rickshaw ride with Maddox. And no one better even think about taking a picture. Their bodyguard is threatening photographers and even grabbed one by the neck and yelled at him. Don't worry, though. One photographer managed to grab one "quality" photo for your enjoyment.

"I'll have Sloth beat the hell out of him, hon."

Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, etc. are in for some trouble getting into some exclusive clubs. Club owners are sick of their childish behavior and don't plan on letting them in anymore. But what about the dance-offs and assaults we've come to know and love from them? Someone call Fox!

Mel Gibson's taking his story to Good Morning America this Thursday and Friday. He's already filmed the interview with Dianne Sawyer. I just hope GMA's accountant wasn't on hand.

"I think I have one of those damn Jewish earwigs."

Kate Moss' boyfriend had to cancel his tour with his band, The Babyshambles. His people say he didn't take enough time after rehab. But the tabloids say Kate Moss forced him off the tour because of his drug problem. How bad is that when Kate Moss intervenes because of your drug problem? Oh, and this article says she wants to have a baby, thinking that might stop him from using drugs. Too bad his sperm will be too busy beating the hell out of each other to fertilize.

Jude Law's ex, Sienna Miller, is filming an indie film in Pittsburgh, or "Shitsburgh," as she calls it. She's apologized and said her words were taken out of context. Oh, I guess she must've said "damn anyone who calls this gorgeous town "Shitsburgh."

Finally the scandal we've been screaming for: a tell-all book by Walter Cronkite's former chef. The most shocking allegation? Walter would keep changing the number of people who were coming to dinner! What an old, son of a bitch.

Desperate Houswife Marcia Cross is expecting twins. That ought to piss Teri Hatcher off.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Free for All

Free for All Friday got a little out of hand today, especially after one of our callers said fat people aren't good people.

Today's the High Lady's birthday, and her present is talking about topics we covered days ago (4:09).

"Thanks for not being my wife, guys" (0:41).

A drunk moped accident (6:13).

The most offensive call we've ever had/The High Lady calls back with the story on how the asshole became boss (4:30).

Every listener who can get through calls to yell at the girl who called in about fat people being bad people (5:27).

The High Lady calls back again. We accidentally cut her off the first time around (2:03).

Visual approximation of today's show

Stooksoscope for Friday


It's time to put aside petty concerns. Muster up your enthusiasm and think about what lies ahead. Don't let the small stuff stop you from taking the first and very necessary step toward a new stage in your development: changing your own diaper.


Activities that involve waiting or patience are definitely not your strong suit right now. Instead, pick up and head out for the open air. Your restless spirit requires lots of stimulation and adventure. Your great grandpa’s spirit still complains about Medicare.


Thoughts become actions before you know it, especially if you refuse to fully acknowledge what's crossing your mind. Be fully aware of what you're thinking. And beware the dark side of the force.


You're always poised, reserved and in control -- until now. Damn you Don Miguel Bean Burrito!

Stooks Proverb: You only live once. Unless you press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start. Then you get 30 lives per player!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston broke up. Rumors say the relationship went downhill after he proposed to her with a half million dollar diamond ring at the end of June.

Some dude says R. Kelly beat him up and stole his idea. At least R. didn't pee on him.

"Call me, Screech. Let's share ideas."

Nick Carter says he slept with Ashlee Simpson to get back at Paris Hilton for cheating on him back in the day. Things got awkward when Ashlee got up, started the tape player and then lip-moaned the rest of the night.

Meanwhile, Paris Hilton insists she's single. Aren't most ladies of the street?

The guy who videotaped Michael Jackson during his airplane trip to surrender to child molestation charges is getting six months home detention. And he's not allowed to have any Jesus Juice ever again. Unless he brings a 12 year old with him.

"I'm just glad he's wearing a mask this Halloween. Last year he scared all the children.

Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckham are now shopping buddies.

Eva Longoria fell down some stairs and bruised a couple ribs on the set of Desperate Housewives yesterday. God that's hot.

Turns out Madonna isn't going to adopt an African baby. I still hate her, though.

Scroll down in this article and you'll find out about Hasselhoff eyeing different female journalists. Imagine the walk of shame after sleeping with David Hasselhoff.

The Korean Sauna

I've been pretty good about going to the gym the last couple weeks.

Yesterday, I thought I'd hit about the sauna after my run.

It's a co-ed sauna, and as I entered the little hallway that separates the locker rooms from the sauna, the door slammed behind me. A Korean woman entered from her locker room at the same time, and was startled by the door slamming. "Oh! You scared me," she said.

Eventually it's me, and four Korean women in the sauna. They had a non-stop conversation in Korean while I was in there.

This morning, we tried to figure out if that's rude or not.

Segment 1 - "Shake some sweat at them" (4:05).
Segment 2 - "Hopefully they were talking bad about you" (4:44).
Segment 3 - "If only you had your man purse" (5:50).
Segment 4 - "Everyone's friends in the sauna" (7:41).

"We'll speak whatever language you want, Stooks."

Stooksoscope for Thursday


Self-sacrifice isn't a problem for you. Just make sure that while you give, you shouldn't actually give until it hurts. Usually that’s after you donate the second kidney.


Not everyone gets you right now, but that's fine -- after all, you know that you have your own special style that can't be duplicated. Just because you and Screech are in the minority doesn’t make you dirtballs…unless it involves scat play. What’s that? Oh, never mind. You are a freak.


You understand an emotional type more than most, especially when their ways are dissected by the more straitlaced. Defending them isn't your job -- however, defusing any nasty or unworthy gossip absolutely is. Unless it’s some good gossip like “Do you see how Cindy’s walking today? And check out that smile on Fred’s face!”


What's this? Your usually go-for-it attitude has toned down. You're feeling gentle, dreamy and in touch with the larger forces. Go with the flow. Maximize your mood and explore meditation or keep a dream journal. Just don’t let anyone find out, or it’ll be like that time your mom found those leather accessories in your closet.

Stooks Proverb: If you play with fire, you get burned. And it doesn’t share its Tickle Me Elmo Extreme.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Paris Hilton got punched in the face Tuesday night by Shanna Moakler, an former Dancing With The Stars contestant. Shanna used to date Travis Barker from Blink 182. Paris hooked up with him recently, so Shanna got up in Paris' face. Then, Paris ex Stavros Niarchos supposedly poured a drink on Shanna and threw her down some stairs. It's not clear if it happened before or after her stumble, but at some point, Shanna punched Paris in the face.

"Whoops! Here's something I haven't screwed."

Speaking of which, Kevin Connolly wants to marry Nicky Hilton. She is a little reluctant since her first marriage ended after six weeks, and since Paris is winning the "who can sleep with the most people" bet.

To celebrate the birth of his latest son, Kevin Federline handed out cigars...in Vegas. Without Britney. Britney wasn't very happy about it. Neither is a photographer who had her camera pushed into her own nose when she tried to take a picture of Kevin. I guess he left his "good" wife beater at home. From Page Six: he'll get $10 million if Britney leaves him.

"Doritos. Mmmm."

Someone spotted Mel Gibson enjoying a beer with a couple young ladies. What's that old saying? You can take the Anti-Semite out of liquor but you can't take the liquor out of the Anti-Semite.

Madonna is such a copycat. She's adopted an African baby. Then, she wants to makeout with it at the MTV VMA's.

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker haven't broken up.


"There is no Sharon. Only Zeul."

Cher is auctioning off some paintings, furniture and gowns. Fumigation not included.

Some woman in Georgia wants to ban the Harry Potter books in schools because of their ties to witchcraft. I think she just has wand envy.

Siegfried and Roy have been inducted to the Las Vegas Walk of Stars. They likely madeout later on.

Tori Spelling is pregnant with her first baby. Boring.

The Walmart Pickup

I was tempted by a hot girl buying cheese while wearing a Royals shirt in Walmart yesterday. I was too chicken to approach her, though.

This morning, we discussed picking up at Walmart.

Segment 1 - "I got my cheese and she walked out of my life forever" (3:33).
Segment 2 - "What about your grandkids?" (5:08)
Segment 3 - "Hitting on people at Walmart is creepy" (4:25).

"What's wrong with you, boy? Not a day goes by that I don't walk out of here with some serious tail."

Stooksoscope for Wednesday


Sometimes resting is its own form of exercise. Initially you may scoff at that, but learning how to truly relax and shrug off the everyday burdens of tension is an art: an art well-suited to your meticulous dismembering technique.


Learn to admit when you made a mistake. Next, go to the parties who were injured by that mistake and apologize wholeheartedly. No one should be forced to listen to your slander of acting god Dave Coulier.


Someone you haven't met could be just the person to change your life. Once they see your face, they probably won’t help.


Your intuition is so accurate these days, it's almost uncanny. You arrive at correct perceptions through unorthodox data: the number of Starburst Jelly Beans it takes to make you hurl.

Stooks Proverb: Old habits die hard, especially when that habit is collecting Hugh Downs photos.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


That photographer who says he's the real baby daddy has filed a paternity suit against Anna Nicole Smith. She will have to return to California for the test. He's worried about the "health and safety of the child" in the company of Anna Nicole.

"Like my baby?"

Katie Couric has fallen all the way to 3rd place in the ratings. But she is getting more younger viewers. If they get her to start jumping up and down while she reads the news, they'd go up even more. Hire me CBS!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt hired David Beckham to teach Maddox to play soccer.

Ruben Studdard, realising he's fat as Hell, is trying to lose weight. "I don't want to be diabetic. I don't want high blood pressure. I don't want to have bad cholesterol." He kindof left off the part about not wanting to crush any more prostitutes.

11 Vietnamese children died to make this sweatshirt.

Jessica Simpson's been sleeping on the floor. She thinks it helps her sleep. Too many memories of Nick in her bed with some other woman.

Fox is going to start putting some of its TV shows on MySpace. Good. It's been awhile since I've been able to watch a TV show with frequent white screens saying "Your problem has been forwarded to MySpace's technical support team."

90210's Jenny Garth just had her third kid. Shannon Daugherty doesn't plan on reproducing, does she?

Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) is still clinging on to fame with another movie, School for Scoundrels. I applaud him for getting as many movie roles as possible before Hollywood realises it shouldn't cast him in anything.

Little Mermaid is out on DVD for the first time. Oh the things I would do...

"I always have the hardest times undoing those seashell bras."

Dirty Laundry Man

I've decided to start paying extra and drop my laundry off at the laundromat so I don't have to deal with it.

One of my concerns is some greazy guy with a bad stash smelling my undies. In fact, I don't want any man doing my laundry. Any man who does other people's laundry for a living is disturbed.

Segment 1 - "What's wrong with a dude doing your laundry?" (2:14)
Segment 2 - "Don't let any dude touch your laundry" (3:52).
Segment 3 - The High Lady on laundry voodoo (4:26).

Stooksoscope for Tuesday


Variety spices up your life if you let it. Just make sure you have some Pepto-Bismol handy.


One of your greatest gifts is your ability to believe: in yourself, in possibility and, most of all, in UFOs. The stars just love your tinfoil spaceman suit you devised to greet the visitors.


A window of opportunity opens up, but it requires a little work on your part to find it -- it's not easily visible. Just follow the smell of burnt Tickle Me Elmo dolls.


You've been so careful about budgeting -- whether it's time, money or energy -- that you actually have a surplus. You can afford to share with someone, just not the less fortunate. You have a rule against that.

Stooks Proverb: First come, first served. But they close the buffet when Mangino is in sight.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Paris Hilton's ass was hanging out at a release party for Janet Jackson's new CD.

"Top that, Lohan!"

Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka, is dating Lance Armstrong. He's also been linked to Paris Hilton. Honestly, who hasn't slept with her, yet?

George Clooney plans to trick the paparazzi by dating a different actress each night. Trick them into thinking he's a man-whore?

Uh oh! In this article, Katie Holmes looks pregnant! And in this one, she's lost an unbelievable amount of weight since she gave birth. In both, she's married to a freak, so at least we know they got that right.

There's an arrest warrant in Massachusetts for delinquent child support payments.

"This is some bullsh#*! In L.A. they let me pay in crack!"

Jude Law is talking about Nannygate. "You have to take it on the chin and learn somehow to hold your head up high and face up to it." That's what she said (credit Michael Scott)

George Michael just got busted while slumped over the wheel of his car. He had pot. He was taken to a hospital since they found him passed out. "He's fine and I've got him a McDonald's," his boyfriend said. I just got a bad image of them playing in the balls at the PlayPlace.

Stooks' Man Purse

This weekend, I missed a key opportunity for some good video when some jugglers from K-State took a pen out of my mouth as I stood between them while they juggled.

Vowing to never let this happen again, I headed to Target to find a good bag for my camcorder.

When I was checking out, the clerk said "Is this purse yours?"

I'm already insecure enough about it without having someone ask me if it was my purse, so we asked our listeners what they thought about the man purse.

Harley guy with a purse (0:40).

My boss' man purse (1:51).

"I don't want to look European!" (1:18)

"Don't make me get me mace (2:18)."

"Can you spare a tampon?" (1:36)

"Don't store toiletries in there (1:22)."

"Your girlfriend could use it (0:47)."

No metrosexuals allowed (0:36).

"No man bags allowed. Period (1:11)."

"I'll make fun of you. But not to your face (0:55)."

Stooks models the man purse

Chris sees Stooks with his man purse

Stooksoscope for Monday


No one, but no one can bring the wacky the way you can. Except you know that your ideas are far from wacky -- it's just that everyone else is so hopelessly boring! I mean, come on, who wouldn’t appreciate a sweater woven from 100% American back hair.


The inner worth of a person is never visible in the outer shell. You know that, especially since you dissected that circus clown.


Some zany ideas will put you in a tailspin. Your first instinct may be to pass on these kooky brainstorms, but hold on. Write everything down and save it for later. Just make sure your ideas don’t fall into the hands Unibrow Sexaholics Magazine.


You're ready to strike out on your own with some original and extremely brainy ideas. You'll be better off mulling over these concepts in private, in a very dark room with African tribal music playing in the background.

Stooks Proverb: Patience is a virtue. So is sitting through just the audio from an episode of “Baywatch.”

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Dustin Diamond says he isn't involved with the release of his Dirty Sanchez technique to the world. He says he and his friends make sex tapes and they try to keep one-upping each other. The gambling site BetUS.com is in the lead to own the rights and distribute the tape, at a rumored cost of $30 to watch, you filthy piece.

"Are you gonna just sit there and take all this attention for Screech, Jaleel? Let's see that Hot Carl, already!"

The threat of a psychiatric evaluation hastened Michael Jackson's agreement with Debbie Rowe over custody of their kids. You have to give Michael props for knowing that a psychiatric exam would show how much of a freak he is.

Anna Nicole Smith did not get married to that one lawyer guy. They simply committed to being there for each other, and plan on making it official in the future. If she remembers what's going on.

Celebrities from Paris Hilton to theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking have signed up to get a brief spaceflight from billionaire Richard Branson's company in 2008
. I am shocked I haven't seen someone in a Stephen Hawking outfit for Halloween yet.

"Stop hogging the Pong, Hawking!"

Lindsay Lohan was seen with her ex the other day. They haven't even been broken up for a week, and she was with Paris' ex, Stavros Niarchos the day before. Maybe she just hooked up with Stavros so she could have some new STDs to pass on to her ex before breaking up again.

Liza Minnelli has signed on as a guest star for Law & Order. Get ready to regret that HDTV purchase.

"I want to be Liza for Halloween!!!"

Robert Downey Jr.'s been cast as Iron Man. I always thought he'd be a good Back Tar Heroin Man, but I guess this'll do.

Avril Lavigne's apologizing for hocking some loogies at the paparazzi. Especially since she had a sinus infection.

Robin Williams is out of rehab. Now he can get back to acting and being annoying as hell.

"When the Robin Williams Han was riding died from the cold, he used Williams' protective fur and instestines to keep Luke warm."

Scarlett Johansson is Esquire's "Sexiest Woman Alive." I guess I'm okay with that.

Big boobs

More good-looking people news: Miss Czech Republic is now Miss World. Gotta be a sympathy vote.

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker are having some problems. This article says it has to do Tony being seven years younger than Eva.

Beyonce has a new clothing line. Sadly, the clothes aren't fitting people. Beyonce may want to let them know they need to turn their ass motors on before squeezing into her clothes.

I caught last night's SNL on Tivo. It was the best episode I've seen in years. I hope it wasn't just because Dane Cook was hosting. Here's an article on Seth Meyes joining Amy Poehler on Weekend Update.

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